
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Update On Marie Antionette Quilt Block 2

I thought you would all enjoy seeing an update on Block #2 of my Marie Antoinette Crazy Quilt:

I'm getting ready to work on this for an hour before getting ready to go over to mom's.

In other news, it really hit me hard yesterday that my Simba won't be with me real long.  Although he seems to be doing better, I'm smart enough to know that Kidney Failure is pretty much a death sentence.  I lost my Francis to Kidney Failure back in 96.

Honestly, I feel like I just keep getting kicked in the head, over and over and over.  It's like there's this perpetual dark cloud hanging over me that just won't go away.

I'm have to take Simba for another blood test tomorrow and am eager to see what that shows.  I'll keep you posted.

I've added a few new things to the shop:

I need to stitch now.  I expect to have my Marie block done in the next day or so.  Have a good day everyone!


  1. I will be thinking of you and Simba. A very sad thing to lose a cherished pet. It seems as though they take a piece of our heart with their passing. Hopefully, you will still have quality time left with him, a chance to say goodbye. I know you will cherish whatever time is left and will be thankful for every minute.
    Love to you,

    I hope the dark clouds soon disappear and you are lifted into a light filled joyful place full of fun CQ stitching!

  2. So sorry about your pet Pam. We really do make them a member of our families.

    Love the "Marie" square. Your work is always so special.

  3. Pam,
    I am so sorry to hear about Simba. I am sure it hurts.
    Your block is beautiful, at the rate you are going, you will be done way before March :)
    Hope you have a nice day,
    Hugs, Kim

  4. I really feel for you Kitty, I do hope Simba keeps going for a bit longer. As long as he is not suffering I think that is the most important thing to watch for.
    I have lost 2 best friends in the last 2 years and it's never easy.
    Sending good thoughts over the water for you

  5. That’s the hard part about having pets - furkids - is that they do not live as long as we do. We just have to realize when we go into a relationship with one, we are going to be hurt at some point. Having said that, however, and being Boomer’s mom (the feline-love-of-my-life) who is 15 years old, I don’t know how I will cope (or how I CAN cope) when his time comes. I cry just thinking of it. I would rather run in front of a truck than lose him, but what are the chances that he will live ANOTHER 25 years, like me? (hopefully, LOL)

    Pam, do you have kids? The only reason I ask is (and I may have told you this before), I often call Boomer by my son Ryan’s name, and sometimes call Ryan “Boomer”. People are always mixing up their kids names, I know, but kids and pets? The truth is, Boomer IS like my child, and I bet you can relate to that. My heart goes out to you, Dear One!! I’ll be here for you!

    Love and hugs,

  6. Oh I'm so sorry to read about your little kitty Simba! My heart breaks for you Pam.

    Your Marie piece is just gorgeous. Do take care and love your Kitty as much as possible with the time you have left together!

  7. I'm so sorry that Simba isn't doing well Pam - you know my heart is with you. I know how hard it is. On a brighter note - your latest block is looking great.


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