
Saturday, November 13, 2010

New Additions To The Shop & Quick Newsbrief

As much as I love blogging and love to blog everyday, there are days when I just can't squeeze one more thing in!  I'm in the process of getting caught up on adding our newest Christmas items to the shop.  I expect to have everything we have at the moment in there by the end of the weekend.  It's an extremely time consuming and tedious process.  Anyway, I'll start by sharing our latest additions.

These are mom's Gift Card Or Money Pockets:

Are these beautiful or what!  I can't believe how awesome my mom is at Mixed Media art.  She's always been so traditional but she really has a knack for this!

And here are Mom's Mixed Media Art Gift Tags:

Again, I'm so taken with how great Mom is at Mixed Media art.  These are so beautiful in person and seeing them, makes me want to make some!

This is my newest addition to the shop:

I have 2 of these little Gingerbread Man brooches in the shop.

I doubt I have to give anyone the link to our shop as I'm always shoving it down everyone's throat but just in case, here it is again:  Kitty & Me Designs.

I certainly hope I don't bore anyone with my "shop talk" but it's a huge part of what I do and I really, really enjoy it so much.  It's given my mom a sense of purpose and over all, I can see where it's helped keep her Bi Polar Disorder at a tolerable level.  For the most part, I can see that the ups & downs are not as extreme as they were.

For Kathi, it gives her an outlet for her creativity.  She has a stressful job as an insurance agent and making things for the shop helps to relieve her stress.

For me, it keeps my ADD mind occupied.  I always say, when the hands are occupied, the mind is occupied.  It helps to take my mind off the depression which I know is still there although I have noticed another twinge of improvement but the Seasonal Affective Disorder is loud and clear at the moment and may I say that hormone changes do not help!!!  I can really live without the night sweats!

Ok, so enough of all that.  I plug my shop constantly and I don't care.  I love making things and I love being able to give my mom and my sister an outlet for their creativity.

And speaking of my sister Kathi, I have a treat coming for you all!  She shared an original recipe with me and she wrote up a nice blog post to go with it.  I'll be making her recipe either later today or tomorrow, taking photos and sharing Kathi's post with you here.

In other news, I've been stitching on block #2 of my Marie Antoinette quilt.  I made some changes to the lace that I chose.  Just decided to go with something else.  I'll share an update on that in the next day or so.

For now, I'll leave you with a sneak peek of what's coming to the shop next:

Glitterhouse 5

Glitterhouse Gingerbread

Glitterhouse 6

Yes, Mom and I made some Putz style Glitter Houses!  These are not the actual houses that I'll be listing.  These photos are of the ones that Mom and I made last year.  I'll be adding 6 traditional glitter houses and 4 gingerbread glitter houses to the shop this weekend.  I'd like to get them all in the shop today but that's quite a bit of work so I may have to break it down and do some today and some tomorrow.

I don't think mom and I will be able to do anymore this season if any one wants them, keep your eye on the shop.  I've been asked several times if we'll be doing some this year so get them while you can.

On a final note, I am still planning on writing more Crazy Quilt tutorials and my article on Creatively Coping with the Holidays.  Lots of new things coming to the blog so please stop by often!


  1. Hi Pam, love all the new things your are adding, especially those little glittery houses! Have a great weekend, Nan

  2. Oh my - you and your Mom have been so busy creating such lovelies!! Those gift card/money pockets are inspired. btw - wanted to make a small suggestion - have you thought of putting all your CQ tutes together into a little book...perhaps sell in your shop? Just an idea!

  3. I love the little glitter houses/villages and the bottle brush trees are great too!
    You do such a nice job on everything you do, I can see you got your talent from Mom.
    Looking forward to the recipe!

  4. Hi Sweet Pea,

    You and Mom are crafting up a storm. Love the money pockets and the little putz houses. I haven't made hardly anything for the holidays to sell. I figured I needed to take care of me first. I put up my Christmas tree yesterday. It's coming along quite pretty. Very soft and cotton candy looking. I'll be blogging some "Sneek Peeks" soon.

    Take care and have a greet weekend.

    xo Cathy

  5. You girls have been busy! Everything is lovely! Yes, I know how much work it is to add new things to a shop! my sympathies with how busy you are.


  6. Pam,
    I love to see all the things for the shop. I look here and then I go in the shop and browse just when I want to see pretty things. You all are so very talented. I love those little houses too..too cute. Tell your mom I love all her gift card pouches too. I hope you have a great Sunday. Oh, I look forward to the posts on SADS, recipes and CQ tuts :) Hugs, Kim


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