
Monday, November 29, 2010

Marie Antoinette Quilt Block 3

I mentioned in my post earlier today, that I wasn't feeling great for a few days so I was taking it easy.  I did some small projects and started on Block #3 of my Marie Antoinette Quilt.  This is the block before I did any stitching on it:

And this is what it looks like at the moment:
I was in my Cedar Chest over the weekend and found some pieces of vintage jewelry that belonged to my grandmothers.  I decided that I could enjoy having them more if they were on this quilt rather than hidden away in my Cedar Chest so I added the blue floral piece to the left of Marie.  That one belonged to my paternal grandmother.  The snowflake looking brooch belonged to my maternal grandmother.  I'm going to add some silk ribbon roses on either side of that piece.

I have a few other pieces of my grandmothers jewelry that I'll be adding to the other blocks.  Might as well enjoy them!

And these are the recent ornaments that mom and I made.  Mom made the Santas and I made the angels:

Speaking of my mom, her gallbladder surgery is scheduled for December 14th.  The surgeon was trying to hold off until after the holidays but mom has been in so much pain these last few months, they just can't hold out any longer.

And in other news, my Simba kitty seems to be doing much better.  After some research, my vet diagnosed him with Colitis and that was putting the strain on the kidneys.  He's now on special food for Intestinal health and a 3 month regimen of Prednesone.

He's still using my floor from time to time, just for good measure I guess, but 98 % of the time, he's using the litter box.  And, he's looking like he's bulking up a bit.  Not so frail and thin now.  Kathi picked him up to maul him yesterday and she said he feels a little heavier.  He was a 15 pound cat all his life and dropped down to 8 pounds.  He was so tiny but hopefully, is on his way to feeling better.  He actually pounced Lucy the other day so that's a good sign!


  1. That block is looking great. I love the idea of using grandmothers old jewelery. It needs to be out to enjoy. The santa's and angel's are pretty too.
    Hugs, Pat

  2. I'm glad to hear that Simba is doing better! Also glad to hear that your Mom has a surgery date and that the end is in sight for the pain. It would be nice if they had a cancellation and could fit her in earlier. Give her a hug for me! (and Simba too)

  3. Pam, your crazy quilt square is going to be another beauty!! I love that you're adding in special jewelry pieces from your grandmothers. What a treasure!
    I hope you're feeling better. And I'm so sorry to hear that your mom is still having so much pain.
    Please tell her I'm praying for her.
    Have a wonderful week. Hugs!

  4. I love the new block!!

  5. This block is beautiful! How wonderful you can use your grandmother's jewelery in this way and enjoy it. Sorry you've had a difficult time recently. I do hope you and your Mom are both feeling better. Thanks for the update on Simba. :)

  6. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Good news about the cat, and I think that's good news for your mom. Are they doing that band aid kind of surgery rather than the full invasive removal? I hope so, because it's so much faster recovering! I love the pieces of grandmother jewelry you used on this third block. I have something I picked up for you and need to get it in the mail this week. My memory doesn't work that well most days, though. LOL


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