
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Update On Marie Antoinette Quilt

I did a lot of stitching on this the past 2 days:

These get quite heavy as I pile on the beads!  Those leaf beads to the right are not purple.  They're pink.  Anyway, I'll be stitching on this for an hour or so before I get myself together to go into town for groceries.

In other news, I added a few new things to the shop.  First, Kathi's precious little snowman watch:

And then mom has been making Christmas ornaments:

I'm not feeling very chatty this morning so I'll wish you all a great day and I'll head off to do some stitching.


  1. Your stitching is absolutely gorgeous! You never fail to amaze me. I am also very impressed with how fast you work. Can't wait to see the blocks all pieced together. Take care, Connie

  2. The Marie Antoinette block is STUNNING! And your moms ornaments are great- they have so much detail!

  3. Oh you have been busy! Do you take time to eat and sleep! I am too here and there to get this much accomplished in 2 weeks much less 2 days. The bead work is lovely and even if those beads had been purple they still would have been pretty. They caught my eye right away.

  4. Gorgeous! I was wondering how you would embellish Marie and see you've done your usual beautiful work - how pretty!

    I'm always amazed out how fast you CQ - you must never sleep! LOL!

  5. It is looking so very beautiful. I love the way Marie A is encased/surrounded with ribbon and lace...
    Hope you have a good day.

  6. Your quilt is gorgeous...your work is so amazing!
    Love the watch and Christmas ornaments too! Glad your mom is up to creating!

  7. Your work is gorgeous!!! Everything is so pretty. How is your Mom doing? And you?


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