
Thursday, October 07, 2010

Guest Blogger - Lynn Stevens

I've been taken, for quite some time now, by Steampunk Art.  I see it all over the beautiful Somerset Studio magazines that I love and I see it online.  One of my sweet blog friends, Lynn Stevens of Trash To Treasure Art blog, does the most beautiful Steampunk Art that I've ever seen!  I invited Lynn to be my Guest Blogger for October 1st.  Lynn had to have emergency surgery and is now recovering so we're a bit late on my Guest Blogger post for October 1st but as I told Lynn, her health is the most important thing.  Lynn was feeling well enough last night to send me her post so here it is.  Please welcome my friend, Lynn Stevens:

Steampunk works and How to get Published
by Lynn Stevens

I was thrilled when Pam asked me to share with you all a little about my Steampunk work and how I
go about getting my work published.

Steampunk has been around for quite some time and has found its way into the Art field. Its a mix of
Victorian meets Mechanical if you will, think Jules Vern. Often made up of watch & clock parts,
Airships, cogs, light bulbs, corsets, salvaged vintage jewelry. just about anything mechanical can be
taken apart and used in Steampunk. That's the fun of it !!! discovering found objects to use in your art.
I Love doing Jewelry, altered art, cards, ATC's, etc.

I really fell in Love with the idea of Nautical Steampunk. The fun of putting together some contraption
of something you might have found delving deep in the waters with an old Sea Captain. I came up with
"Under the Sea" A combination of stamps from Oxford Impressions. (One of the Design teams I'm on)
and bits and bobs I gathered along my creative journey. A did and entire collection of Sea Faring

Steampunk can also take to the land, I did an entire series of Train themed pieces for Artistic Outpost
(another one of my DT's I'm on.)
Using the traditional cog and watch parts for my creations.

Or the Air, Yes Airships or flying machines have such a fun bit of whimsy. A few pieces I did when
asked to be a Guest Designer for Alpha stamps.

A few of my jewelry pieces available on my Etsy site.

 The best thing about Steampunk is ANYTHING goes. Just have fun!!!
Getting Published
I've been fortunate to have been published in many of Stampington's publications, Somerset Studios,
Somerset Gallery, Belle Amour Jewelry, Belle Amour, Somerset Home, Stampers Sampler, Take Ten,
Catch Up issues. Altered Arts, and a few others. I'm most excited about a collaborative project with my
local stamp group coming out in Somerset Galley that features several Steampunk Birds we created
together. I included a how to so you can create your own birds. So watch for it in December.

The best thing I can tell you about being published is just do it!! You'll never know if you don't try.
Submit original work, familiarize your self with the type of art each publication is looking for. There's
so many out there, your sure to find one that fits your style. Most magazine will have a call for entries
listed on their website for upcoming themes or challenges. Keep in mind they work many months
ahead ,so something you submit may not come out for 8 to 9 months. They often will hold your work
for an extended period of time for possible future issues, So if its something you can't be without don't
send it. You'll need to send return postage if you want your art returned. You need to keep a list of
everything that went in to making your project along with detailed instructions on how you put it
together. With credits given for products used. Attach it to the art itself. I usually put all my information
on a 3 x 5 card. Include your name, address, phone #, email address. Name of art piece and

An added bonus is many companies offer incentives when using their products and will send you free
merchandise. Just check with the companies you use and ask about their incentive program. If your
piece is chosen for a special write up the magazine will contact you for more information or photos and
ask for an electronic version. So keep good records and photos of your submissions. You also receive a
complimentary issues or voucher in the magazine your published in. It sounds like a lot of work but
believe me it is well worth the effort!

I currently work on several design teams. Alpha Stamps, Oxford Impressions, Artistic Outpost,
Gingersnap Creations. and usually guest host on a different design team each month. I keep a up to date
blog and sell some of my pieces on my Etsy site.

I'd like to thank Lynn for being my guest blogger today.  I hope you enjoyed reading about Lynn's Steampunk Art and how to submit work to magazines.

On a final note for today, I have reached 300 Followers!  Yeah!!!  We will have our drawing when Scott gets home from work tonight and I will post the winner's name for my Sewing Art Quilt first thing on Friday morning so please stop back to see if you won!


  1. Thank you Pam for feauring some of my steampunk work, I hope the info on how to get published helps your readers!
    hugs Lynn

  2. Pam
    What a lovely enchanting place your blog is! I am signing up today.. I came from Trash to Treasure and of course loved Lynn's post this am on Steampunk. Looking forward to seeing what's next here and taking the time to explore!

  3. Excellent work! Lynn is so very talented! I always look forward to visiting her blog because her art is so unique. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Lynn's art is totally awesome and one can't help but to get so inspired by her incredible art! Great choice for a "guest blogger."

  5. I love Lynn's work and I am so happy that you have featured here here! congratulations on your milestone!

  6. I love Lynn's art. What a nice thing for you to do this and for her to give her hints for publications. Just follows my theory...the best artists are the most generous!!!


  7. Wow that information on getting published is so concise, informative and timely... I was just thinking that was what I needed to do with my pincushions...

    Thanks to your guest and to you for having her... Gerry..

  8. I visit Lynns blog alot. I think she does wonderful work. So nice of you to share her with others. I cant wait to see who wins your wonderful giveaway. Hope you are having a good day.

  9. Another great guest blogger Pam! I know I'm going to have a peek further at Lynns work. I love the use of cogs and wheels and watch parts (have used them on CQ pieces before I knew about 'steampunk' style - perhaps I was doing it before steampunk became so popular).

  10. Loved seeing Lynn's post and I am glad she is feeling well enough to post. I was without internet since Weds. Just getting caught up. Enjoyed seeing the steampunk post.


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