
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Update On Mom

The surgery went well and mom is doing fine. She was all excited about your messages and can't wait for me to read them to her when she gets home.  I'll keep you posted.  Due to mom's Bi-Polar, they want to keep her an extra day so she'll be home on Thursday.

I've not been feeling good the past few days.  Withdrawals I think.  This is getting old.  Anyway, I want to write a Crazy Quilting For Newbies post.  If I feel better later today, I'll get that up for you.

Halloween Pumpkin Doorhanger 2


  1. Glad to hear that your mom is going to get to come home soon! I love your halloween decoration. It's really cool & goolish! I hope you feel better soon too. Cause it's importan that care givers take care of themselves too! Your family is in my prayers.

  2. Pam, I'm so glad to hear that your mom's surgery went well. My prayers are with her.

    I'm sorry to hear that you're not feeling well. I hope you're back in the pink very soon!!

  3. Thanks for the update on Mom. Be sure she knows I am sending her get well wishes, please.

    I love your little pumpkin pillow. It so cute!!

  4. I wish there were some magic words, I could give you to help chase away the blues. I am glad your Mom is doing well and that is one thing you do not have to worry about. I am looking forward to the tutorial on Beginning Crazy Quilting, but don't push yourself. Maybe you need a day to do nothing other than what Pam really wants to do. Put your feet up and do the things you want to do but, always feel there isn't time to do. You know read a magazine, sit outside and watch the clouds float by or watch a movie.
    Love to you,

  5. Pam, Glad to hear your mom is doing well, and hope she continues to do well. Sorry you haven't felt well.

    I would love to read about your crazy quilt for newbies. I have recently been looking on the web for info on that. I would love to try and make a crazy quilt block.
    Take care

  6. So glad to hear that Mom is doing well and will be home soon. Be sure to give her a hug for me. Hope you're feeling better too Pam - perhaps the worry about Mom is what's affecting you and not so much the medication. It's hard to tell I know.

  7. You are so sweet and thats such a neat halloween item...WOW
    Hope your mom is well soon .

  8. So glad your mom is doing well and will be home soon! Hope you feel better soon...

    That is truly a unique piece in this post!

  9. oh this Halloween piece is just Wonderful, I do hope you and you mom are feeling better!


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