
Saturday, September 04, 2010

Heading Up To Galena Illinois For The Weekend!

Galena Belvedere House

Good Morning everyone!  Scott and I are getting ready to head up to our favorite get-away place for the weekend.  Galena, Illinois!  Home of President Ulysses S. Grant.

Galena 14

I'm taking my camera and my laptop so I'll be posting photos, blogging and Facebooking as I can.  I need to take a bit of my routine with me!  LOL!!!!

Galenas Rolling Hills May 07

Stop by again later for an undate!

Irish Cottage


  1. Oh What Fun! Enjoy your Get A Away, I'll be looking out pics!! Hx on Me, I went to U.S. Grant Elementary School !
    Huggs, Nancy

  2. Have a wonderful time!!


  3. Hi Pam,

    I hope you are having an amazing time on your weekend jaunt. It looks like a blast.

    I wish it was a little cooler here in New England, I would love to go for a drive myself.

    Have a happy weekend my friend.

    xo Cathy

  4. I saw the house picture first and thought you were moving!! Wouldn't it be something to live in that house!! I can just imagine the view it must have from the tower. Enjoy your trip!

  5. Hi Pam, It sounds like a fun trip. I don't take a lap top, but I do take an embroidery project or two to work on of an evening for awhile. I hope your weather is as beautiful as ours was today. Starting off at 48 degrees and going to 76 this afternoon. Have a great weekend.


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