
Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Guest Blogger - Debi Huntsman

Hello everyone!  It's the 1st of the month and that means that I have another guest blogger to introduce to you!
I met Debi earlier this year.  While surfing around, reading blogs, I came upon Debi's "Life In My Studio" blog and I was blown away!!!   Debi was working on some Marie Antoinette projects and ya'll know I have this thing for Marie Antoinette.   I kept reading Debi's blog and drooling all over her gorgeous photos.  So much pink!  So much charm!  So much sparkle!

I quickly became a follower of Debi's blog and a huge fan of her work.  Please welcome today's guest blogger, Debi Huntsman!

Hi everybody! First, I would like to thank Pam for inviting me to be a guest on her beautiful blog today. I'm both excited and honored to be here.
I thought I would share three things with you today. My obsession,
a tutorial, and a giveaway.
I am passionate about creating, and try to do something in that area
everyday. I also love blogging. Whether posting on my own blog,
or reading the blogs I follow, I am doing it all the time. And it is through blogging that I became obsessed with swapping.
Photos shown in this post, are swap gifts I have made for other bloggers.

I belong to the Marie Antoinette Mail Art group which offers a large
variety of swaps. I also love to join swaps that are being hosted by
individual bloggers. I am usually involved in half a dozen or more swaps
at any given time. I love visiting bloggers who are new to me, and learning different art forms.

For those of you who have never joined a swap, it is easy and fun. When you find a swap you are interested in, just follow the hostess' instructions for joining. You will be given a date by which your swap gift should be mailed, and your partner's information. When I'm in a partner swap, I like to visit her blog and find out what her favorite colors, style, etc. are. That way, I can make her gift more personal to her. When my swap gift is finished, I like to wrap everything in pretty papers and ribbons, and add a fun embellishment. It’s always exciting to open a pretty package!

In some swaps, such as ATC's, you may not
have a partner, but will be asked to create a specific number
of cards and mail them to the hostess. She then swaps them out and sends
you the same number of cards you sent in.


I am currently involved in a Victorian Cuff swap, so I thought I would
show you how I like to make my cuffs. This is the one I will be showing.

One of my favorite parts of creating anything, is going through my stash
and choosing the pieces I want to use in my project.

Once I have done that, I cut my pieces to the length and width I want
to use. For this particular cuff, my pieces are 6 1/2" x 2". I cut the
piece of lace about 4" wide. Some people like to finish their edges,
but I actually fray mine a bit because I love that shabby look of the raw edges.

Because my fabrics are lightweight, I'm including an extra piece to thicken it up a little. So, I will stitch three pieces together and save the fourth piece for my finished back.
I have also looped my lace piece through a pretty mother of pearl buckle.

Now that my cuff is stitched, I will add my bow by hand stitching the center of it and machine stitching the ends.

I like to use a button and loop to hook the cuff closed, so now I add a
pretty piece of lace for my loop.

I chose some pretty vintage laces, and machine stitched them around the outside edge of the cuff.

Next, I add my button and begin arranging my embellishments and hand
stitching them in place.

The last step is hand stitching a pretty piece of fabric to the back side of the cuff. This covers up all of my stitches and just gives the back a nice finished look.

And Voila! We've created a cuff. These are fun to wear with just about
anything, and they're a great way to add a little bling with your jeans.

Now, I have a little giveaway gift. I've put together a few
of my favorite things for crafting, as well as the cuff, and will be giving them to one of you.
Just leave a comment on this post, and on Friday, a winner will be drawn.
Hey, I've had a good time and hope that you have too. Thanks again for inviting me Pam.
Stop by for a visit I’d love to see you!
I hope you all enjoyed meeting Debi and seeing her gorgeous work!  I will be doing the drawing and announcing the winner on Friday.  Debi will be away from her computer for a few days .  She will be shipping her prize to the lucky winner on September 7th.  Please do hop over to Debi's blog and say hello.  She's sweet as can be, just like her work!!!  

Thank you so much Debi, for being my guest today and thank you for your lovely tutorial and drawing prize!!!



  1. Thank you so much for the tutorial. i've been wanting to make a cuff for ages, and now I know how to set about it, I would love to take part in your giveaway. Thank you for giving me the chance, Blessings

  2. Hi Debi
    You cuff is amazing. One of the prettiest I have seen. I kept reading and thought you were done and you kept adding just the perfect embellishments. I would love to be added to the give a way list.

    Have a wonderful day, Debi, Pam and Mom.
    xx, Carol

  3. What a great guest blogger!
    I'm gonna hop over to her blog now.

  4. Debi,
    Great job on the tutorial. The cuff is lovely. Your instructions were clear and made the project doable. The elements you added, especially the pearl buckle were just the right touch. I follow your blog and always enjoy reading it.

  5. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Your tuturiol was wonderful have to try one of these looking forward to reading your complete blog we all learn so much from each other. Hugs Linda

  6. Wow! Lovely giveaway! Please pick me!! Thanks Pam for introducing Debi to us. I'm off to check out her blog now.

  7. Hello, I really enjoyed this wonderful post, Debi is such a beautiful person and her art is amazing. Thank you for sharing and have a wonderful day. Terri

  8. Thank you for that delightful tutorial. I love all your eye candy, Debi! Pam obviously has good taste in friends and guest bloggers, LOL!! ;-) Please enter me in the drawing. Hugs, Cathy

  9. PLEASE include me in your giveaway. The cuff is gorgeous . . . another thing added to my "to-do" list!!

  10. Hi Pam and Debi, I really enjoyed reading about Debi and her beautiful things. Wow those are some fantastic swaps and her cuffs are so pretty, Thanks for the tutorial, nicely done! I'd Love to be entered in your giveaway too. Thanks for the chance!

  11. Thanks for the great tutorial. I have wanted to make a cuff for a while now. What a great giveaway, keeping my fingers crossed

  12. Love these cuffs!! They are so cute and easy to make! Can't wait to get back home so I can make some.

  13. Debi, very nice meeting you and I love, love, love your work! I have added your blog to my list of favorites. Please enter my name in your gorgeous give-away. Debbie (Maine)

  14. I LOVE the cuff!!! Thank you for the tutorial!!! I'm a follower of your blog and your creations inspire me to create beautiful things!!!

    best regards,

  15. Thank you for the wonderful tutorial. I really must try one of these. Your work is simply beautiful. I am off to check out your blog as well. I would love to enter for the drawing as well. Thanks.

  16. What a sweet guest you had today....I love her work and the tutorial was great...I think I want try to make one myself.....
    Of course, please include me in the drawing so I would love having this one....

    Great post....

  17. Dear Pam,

    I'm so glad I found your blog - your work is amazing and I am looking forward to visiting Debi's blog too!

    I would love a chance to win the beautiful goodies you are giving away - thank you so much for sharing!

    Also, I've added your blog to my sidebar under Inspiration!


  18. Another great guest to meet Pam. I will be visiting Debi's blog for sure. I've never made a cuff, but just might have to succumb now I see how easy (and pretty!) this one is.

  19. Debi seems like a very nice person and I must go look at her blog and add her to the list. If you liked her stuff Pam I know I will also.

    It is so nice of her to give a tutorial and such a lovely giveaway.



  20. What an awesome give away!!! And Debi is awesome herself. Thanks for introducing us to her Pam! I'm off to her blog.

  21. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Swaps are soooooo much fun. I just completed one for rosettes and the results were just stunning. I was one lucky lady to receive A Victorian cuff. Yours is just beautiful. :)

  22. This drawing is now closed.


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