
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

New Projects and This & That

I've been going through some heavy duty withdrawals the past few days.  2 1/2 weeks ago, my Dr. let me drop my Zoloft from 75 milligrams to 50 milligrams.  Overall, I feel much better but on Friday, my mood dropped drastically.  I could feel the chemicals moving and changing in my body and my brain.  Quite un-nerving!!  But I kept talking myself through it and it seems to be balancing out now.

I have decided to formally announce that I am no longer designing Counted Cross Stitch.  I want to pursue other avenues.  I'm a Crazy Quilter.  And yes, you may highlight the word "crazy"!  LOL!!!  Honestly, crazy quilting and mixed media textile art is what I love so that's what I'm doing from here on in.

I will continue to add my hand-made items to my Etsy shop.  I really enjoy that a lot!!!  I just did a CQ project for a new magazine to be released in the Fall:

Click here to visit their website!

I've been sending some things out to Somerset Studio publications and I plan to teach Crazy Quilting out of my home.  I haven't worked out all of the details yet but I'm getting it together little by little.  I've been sick for a long time and I really need to get my life together and back on track.  I just can't go back to doing some of the things I did before.  I'm 1/2 way between Chicago & Milwaukee so if anyone lives in my area and would like to learn crazy quilting and perhaps some of the other gazillion things I know how to do, please drop me an email and let me know.

In other news, I wanted to share this photo with you:

Darlene K. worked this lovely crazy quilt block using my peacock tutorial.  Isn't it pretty?  I just love peacocks and was thrilled to receive Darlene's photo.  If you would like to work with my Peacock Tutorial, you can find it here.  Thank you so much Darlene for granting me permission to post the photo of your beautiful peacock block!!!

So what else do I have to talk about today?  Well, I add a few new things to the shop.  These lovely earrings were made by Kathi:

Gorgeous!!!!  And I added these Crazy Quilt pieces that I did:

I just had to do a crazy quilt block with Marie Antoinette!  You know I just love the pink and the fluffyness of Marie!!!!   Anyway, these and more can be found here.

In other news, Scott has the vinyl top on the Model A now:

Model A 4

Isn't this car beautiful!  He's worked so hard on it.  I think he's getting the bumpers ready to put on the car now. Not sure exactly but the more that goes on, the better it looks!!!  He puts it in the front yard for awhile on the weekends and then I ride with him when he drives it back into the garage!  I love looking at it!  He puts it up front here so I can see it while I'm stitching.

I guess that's it for today. Oh, with 1 exception!  I thought you'd like to see what I have to contend with when I'm on my laptop:

Lucy just loves to lay on the keyboard!  Makes typing a bit of a challenge!!!  And here's one more photo of my little Miss Queeny:

Those green eyes just melt my heart!!!! 

Ok, I'm off to put some salad together for dinner!  More tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Hello Pam sorry to hear you have been feeling so bad, hope things start going better. I just love your pictures, best wishes on all your endeavors especially teaching as this is something I'd like to try. Keep up the good work you give us much inspiration.

  2. I love Lucy (the cat, not the actress)! Scott is doing a wonderful job on the car - it looks like it's nearly done? I went over & checked out Spool magazine and it sounds like something that will be fun. At least they seem to have a great sense of humour!

  3. Your cat is beautiful!!

    I went through those feelings when my hight dose of Zolft was reduced. Some days the 50 are not enough to keep me in control, but I can't function without it.

    your CQ is gorgeous. I live east of South Bend so not that far from you, but too far to commute. Too bad.

    Have a great day tomorrow.

  4. Hi Pam! I’m thrilled for you doing something for Spool Magazine. I’m excited for the magazine to come out and have had the site bookmarked for about a month, LOL. Glad you’re doing better and able to lower your meds. Despite all my exclamation points, I’m going in the other direction again. The last week or so has been a total wash for me. It’s sleep, work for a few hours (bookkeeping), computer (reading mostly), weeding or watching TV. No ambition to do anything except mindless repetition. No stitching, sewing, blogging to speak of. A bit of writing..... I hope it’s just the summer heat ....
    Hey! I have three cute birds from Michaels that I need to send you (or your mom); two are pink and one is lavender. So cute.... Lucy reminds me of Boomer; he has to sit in my lap too. He has gotten really clingy since I’ve been moping around lately. Take care! Hugs, Cathy

  5. Pam, everything is so beautiful!!! From your cat, to the car, to the amazing crazy quilting! Congrats on the magazine, and am glad you're feeling better!

  6. Pam,
    Such gorgeous photos of your babies! I've always found my cats such great companions in good times and bad, and much less demanding than spouses, LOL.
    Hugs from Christine in windy Sydney Australia.

  7. That is one great looking cat. Rufus likes to sit in my lap when I am blogging as well. The mediciene thing must be disconcerting, to be able to feel a shift in your well being like that. Will they give the lower dose a try for a while to see if you can adjust? Good luck with all that, sounds scary.
    Sending positive thoughts your way.

  8. Good Morning Pam you crazy quilting lady. I'm glad you decided to follow your path down the quilting road. Sometimes we just need a change.

    Love the pics of the kittys sitting on your computer keyboard. Too darn cute.

    Have a great summer weekend.

    xo Cathy

  9. So many new avenues coming your way, I just know I'll be seeing you in Somerset! and to do what you Love is what matters! I had to laugh when I saw your kitty in your lap, one of my minpins is in mine right now, They usually both try and pile on, but things get a little crowded.
    Lucy looks exactly like our Spooky who passed away almost two years ago. my DH came in when I was reading your post and said "she looks just like our spooky. I miss her so much" Awe makes me sad :0(
    Hope you will be feeling better soon!
    hugs Lynn


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