
Friday, August 20, 2010


Now that it's cooled off just a twinge, my hummingbirds have become more active!  Here are a few photos that I took a couple of years ago:





They're the tiniest little things.  No bigger than your thumb!  This is a female Ruby Throat Hummingbird.  The only breed we have way up north here in Illinois.  The males have a bright red throat.  I need to get some photos of the males.  They're a twinge smaller than the females.

Hummingbirds are very territorial.  We have 2 feeders for them.  One on each side of the house.

They're highly intelligent and quite fearless.  Each year, about a week before they go south for the Winter, they come right up to me to say goodbye.  It's an amazing experience.  They just fly right up to me, and hover about 10 inches from my face.  It's their way of thanking me for feeding them.  They usually head south the last week of September.  I always miss them when they leave but at least we have them here to enjoy for a few more weeks.

Be sure to stop by tomorrow for my Pink Saturday post!!!


  1. Oh Pam, how special, communing with nature so personally! Very lucky! xx

  2. Hi Pam, we too feed the hummingbirds and the feeders are right outside our living room window. To see the escapades of the new one's coming in and the regulars dive bombing them is hilarious. My neighbor has to fill her 7 feeders every single day!
    Stop by my blogs and sign up for my giveaway. I'm having one on both Candi's Eye Candy and Quilts N Things.
    lots of hugz:)

  3. I love hummingbirds Pam, my house is full of them! For some reason though, they didn't come to the feeder this year except for a couple days in late May. I miss them!


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