
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Grandma Kellogg's Sugar Cookies

I don't know if I've ever mentioned this before or not.  My husband Scott is a Kellogg of the Kellogg's from Battle Creek, Michigan.  William Keith Kellogg, who invented Corn Flakes, was my husband's great, great, great uncle.

Being that we like anything vintage and that we're rather proud of my husband's heritage, we have gathered a few fun Kellogg's collectibles.  The above tin sign is a reproduction but I love the soft colors.

I charted this little sampler from an old Kellogg's advertisement magazine page:

If memory serves me, I stitched this little sampler 3 times.  One for Scott's dad, one for Scott's sister and of course, one for us.

This magazine ad is quite old.  My sister gave it to Scott for his birthday one year.  That little cat underneath is some sort of tin mold.  I picked it up at Flea Market years ago.  It's one of my favorite treasures.  It's rusty and crusty and I love it!

This plate came from the Kellogg's corporate headquarters in Battle Creek, Michigan:

We visited there years ago and they treated us to a lovely tour of the facility.  Before we left, they gave us this beautiful collector's plate and a copy of W.K. Kellogg's biography.

These treasures hang in my kitchen.  And speaking of my kitchen, I thought I would share with you today, Grandma Kellogg's Sugar Cookie recipe.

Grandma Kellogg's Sugar Cookies are to die for!!!!  I have always loved them.  In my personal opinion, these are the best sugar cookies I've ever had.  Grandma knew I loved them and she went out of her way to make them whenever she knew I was going to be there.

Scott's grandma was a tiny little women with a big heart and a strong attitude.  She loved to bake and was really good at it!  She also crocheted but knitting was her thing.  Grandma passed away 2 years ago in September.  She was almost 93 years old.

She had given me her recipe for her Sugar Cookies a few years before she died.  What a treasure to have that recipe in Grandma's handwriting!  Unfortunately, although I've tried to make these several times, they never compared to Grandma's.  Grandma used Oleo, which to my understanding is a type of margarine.  I've always used real butter in my cookies.

I recently gave Grandma's recipe to my sister Kathi.  She made a batch the other day and guess what?  They are darn close!!!  Very close!

So here's the recipe for Grandma Kellogg's Sugar Cookies which she called, Ethel's Sugar Cookies:

3/4 cup Shortening (part Oleo)
1 cup Sugar
2 Eggs
1/2 teaspoon flavoring (part Lemon/part Vanilla)
2 1/2 cups Flour
1 teaspoon Baking Powder
1 teaspoon Salt

Chill for at least one hour.
Roll to 1/8 inch thick.  (Grandma's cookies were actually about 1/4 inch thick.)
Bake 400 degrees for 6-8 minutes.

Cream Oleo & shortening with sugar.  Add 2 eggs, 1 at a time and beat well.
Add flavorings.
Add sifted flour, baking powder and salt a little at a time and mix well.
Chill covered at least 1 hour - better over night.

Grandma always frosted these with Royal Icing.  YUM!!!!!

If you try these, please let me know what you think of the.  I miss Grandma Kellogg and the stories she used to tell me.  She was very fond of me and very good to me.

In other news, I want to share our latest addition to the shop:

Is this too cute or what?  This is an original needle-felted Halloween Cat by Kathi!  Check out the spider on the pumpkin.  I am so in love with this little sweetie.   I can't believe Kathi did all that in needle-felting.  Amazing!

Before I head off to stitch, here's an update on my latest crazy quilt project:


  1. Thank you for this recipe, I have looked and looked for a recipe that my Grandmother always made and none have measured up. I will try using the margarine, I have always tried butter too. Love new piece you are working on. I have started a new piece as well, I may take pictures today to share. Pam have you ever thought about doing a CQ 101 tutorial, about choosing colors for the block?


  2. Hi Pam, how cool is that to be related to the Royalty of the Breakfast table. My understanding is the Kellogg family was always very charitable.
    Now about those cookies, I'm always on the lookout for a good sugar cookie, unfortunately, I have run in to the same problem, so many of the old recipes call for oleo. Are these cookies soft and chewy or hard and crispy? I like soft and chewy :)!
    Oh, I almost forgot to say, that little black kitty is so sweet! Hugs, Nan

  3. Pam what a fasinating post!!! I am rushing around this morning ~ checking the blogs quickly ~ and this post stopped me on my tracks!What a legacy!!!Corn Flakes and Frosted flakes were my fave cereals when I was a kid ~ along with Captain Crunch ~ LOL! I can't wait to try the recipe and will keep my eyes open for vintage Kellogg stuff in my travels!
    Lots of Love ~ Have a great day!

  4. A very enjoyable read! Thanks for sharing that Pam!

  5. I have eaten tons of your families cereal over the years and loved every bite of it. What a heritage you have. Love the felted cat too, Char

  6. Sandy G2:15 PM

    Pam,How interesting! A relative of the Kelloggs. That's as American as Apple Pie! :o) Look at all your Kellogg treasures.
    Those cookies look yummy! I have printed the recipe and come cool weather, I will try them. .Thanks for sharing the recipe and family history! :o)

  7. I never even thought of the possibility of a connection to 'the' cereal that was probably consumed in our household pretty much every day! Corn Flakes were a staple for my parents and I loved Frosted Flakes because I had to eat them dry (no milk - allergic).

  8. Pam just to let you know, Oleo used to be called Oleomargarine. Which is the stick margarine we have today. All of my great Aunt's recipes I have call for Oleo so I grew up with that. :)


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