
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Marie Antoinette Purse Block Completed!

I finished stitching this yesterday and so much wanted to sew it together today but after washing my floors, doing laundry, washing a few windows and putting a few packages together for shipping, I was out of steam:

Marie Antoinette Purse

My plan now is to put it together on Thursday when I get back from picking up groceries.

I did run my sewing machine yesterday.  I pieced some Autumn themed cat dolls and another purse block.  I stitched a little bit this afternoon but not enough for sharing.

In other news, we had some of the pin-striping done on the Model A this weekend:

Pin Striping 4

What you see in these photos is the gas tank.  Bubba had to have the pin-striping done on that before he could put it in the car permanently.  It's getting there!  It looks more and more like a real car everyday!

Be sure to stop by on Thursday for my next Guest Blogger post!  There will be lots of beautiful photos of my guest's creations!!!

Finally for today, enter to win my Sewing Art Quilt.  The drawing will take place when my blog reaches 300 followers:

WIN THIS Sewing Quilt!!!

Details can be found in this post.

Finally for today, my Peacock Purse was included in this lovely Etsy Treasury.  Please hop over see it.  It's a lovely a Treasury!!


  1. Pam,
    I love the colors in this block. A real beauty!

  2. She turned out beautiful Pam, can't wait to see it all completed.
    I myself have dealt with panic disorder for the past 42 years I have been on medication for that and depression for some time now. Whenever I try to go off, it all starts all over again, a chemical imbalance in the brain. It's a very difficult thing to deal with, and unless people and family members understand the disease, or have it themselves, it's very difficult for them to tolerate I have found. But I deal with it, fight it, and have learned my boundaries. My life goes on, and I'm happy and feel great. As long as I have my meds!! Just ask any of my family members who've been around me when it wears off after going off them. I know every experience is different, and pray you have recovery and can function wholly again.

  3. Jingle9:15 PM

    lovely blog,
    thank you for following!

  4. Hi Pam, your Marie purse turned out lovely (like everything you do!). Wow, the car is looking great! I bet you’re getting anxious to go cruising. ;-) As far as the depression thing, you know my story and are free to use whatever you need.... And now, I’m off to find the last installment of your art quilt tutorial so I can get it printed out. Then I’ll have them all nice in a file for when winter comes and I want to switch gears to something a little crazier! Hugs, Cathy

  5. I think your work is goregeous. love it, you are an inspiration.

  6. I am new to your blog so I don't know what you may have posted about your condition previously. I suffer from a form of depression and am lucky that my doctor saw the symptoms more than 20 years ago. I take Zoloft and will NOT live without them. They were my life saver. As it happens it was passed to me and I have passed some form of mental illness to my daughter and she to her sons. They are not as lucky as I and are having a hard time finding the right meds and I suspect you have gone through much of what they have. If you post about your experience, I will most definitely read.

    Good luck with your treatment.

  7. Pam, this turned out beautifully!

    Wishing you a lovely day,

  8. Your purse block is gorgeous! You are a true fiber artist.

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  9. I shared your site on my latest blog post @

  10. Hi Pam

    Beautiful work as usual. Your art quilt is very unique and would be lovely to win - some lucky person will.

    I think you would do a great service to publish about your depression and everything that goes with it. You will encourage others to seek help or at least to not think they are going crazy if this starts to happen.

    The power of the internet is far reaching.



  11. Dearest Pam ~ First ~ the purse is breathtaking ~ Such beautiful work!
    I commend you for talking about your depression. I have also struggled with it probaly most of my life off and on but 1999 ~ 2001 had a terrible bout with it. The kind where you can just bearly function. I was able to put on a good face when needed ~ no one had a clue the hell going on inside.Since last week I feel it creeping up on me again but will get through it as I now know better how to handle it. I think ~ as you feel comfortable talking about it ~ it would be an amazing thing for you to do. I suspect many readers go through this and never talk about it. You are an amazing example of someone overcoming this nightmare!


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