
Friday, July 02, 2010

Friday Morning Ramblings

Good Morning everyone!  First, I would like to thank Cathy Kizerian for being my guest blogger yesterday!  It was really fun to share my friendship with her, here on my blog!  My next Guest Blogger will be posting on July 15th.  Please be sure to stop by then.

I would also like to thank everyone who left comments here and for Cathy on her blog.  I am only able to reply to comments if email addresses are public.  If you left a comment for me and did not receive a reply, it's only because I don't have your email address but please know that I so much appreciate your comments.  I love meeting new stitcher's and crafter's!!!  And special thanks to all of my new followers!  I hope that you will continue to visit me.

In other news, I'm also done with my Crazy Quilt Peacock purse!  I decided to write up a tutorial on how to do the peacock.  It will have an eyelash yarn tail and I was thinking that some of my crazy quilt readers might enjoy knowing how to do it!  I'll have that tutorial for you in a few days.  I will also have the final part of my Art Quilting 101 tutorial.  As usual, I try to do too much at once (ADHD) and sometimes, I fall a little behind on things.  All I left left to do is to add the hanger, take photos and post!!  Coming very soon!!!

And speaking of my Art Quilting 101 Tutorial, I would like to share a photo that Linda B sent to me:

This is an art quilt that Linda made for her daughter using my tutorial.  Linda, it's lovely and thank you so much for allowing me to share this photo with my readers!  If you would like to visit Linda's blog, please click here.

If anyone else is working on an art quilt using my tutorial, please feel free to email me a photo and I will gladly post your photo here along with a link to your blog or Flickr site.

Another photo that I would like to share with you is from Allie.  I absolutely fell in love with this photo yesterday when I visited Allison's blog:

This sweet little feathered angel got into Allie's greenhouse.  How wonderful that Allie was able to hold this precious little birdie after the rescue!!!

Many of my long time followers know that Robin's and Hummingbirds are my absolute favorites!  Everyone knows, that starting in February, I begin to watch for the Robin's to come back.  When I saw this photo, my heart melted.  What a special moment for Allie!!  Thank you so much Allison, for granting me permission to share your photo with my readers!  If you would like to visit Allie, here's the link to her blog.

My final photo for today is another photo of my Lucy!  She loves to sleep all curled up in the bathroom sink!

My Lucy In Bathroom Sink

Isn't she just the cutest little thing?!!!!

Well, that's my chattering for today everyone!  Be sure to stop by tomorrow.  It's Pink Saturday!!!!


  1. Looking forward to seeing the completed peacock purse.

  2. Can't remember how I found you but I am putting you on my favorites list. I love to CQ, I have only made one full size quilt but now that I am retired I hope to do more.Your gray kitty is beautiful and probably why I followed this link, we have 4 cats, I've always had cats, as many as nine at one time. Well I'm off to check out your friend Cathy. I'll be back.

  3. I just popped over to Linda's blog and said hi. Lucy in the sink is SO sweet!! That's something our cats haven't managed to discover. Cosmo likes being on the bed and Mitzy is generally either on the rocking footstool, in her cardboard box, or on somebody's lap.


Hello! And thank you for leaving me a comment. I love to reply personally to each and every message but I can only do so if your email address is public. If not, please know that I truly appreciate the time you took to leave me a message.