
Monday, June 07, 2010

Teacup Tragedy

About 4 weeks ago, I was awaken at about 9:00 pm to the sound of a loud crash and glass breaking.  I flew out of bed, having no idea what happened and ran into the living room where the sound came from.  Bubba (Scott - I call him Bubba), was sitting on the sofa, looking up at the wall, almost in a daze.  He was looking at the wall where my quilt shelf hangs.  This is what it used to look like:

Floral Crazy Quilt Finished 1

The shelf had fallen from the wall, bringing my teacups, my anniversary clock and my peacocks from Galena, Illinois (our special little get-away place) to nothing but shards.

I asked Bubba what happened and he said it was like slow motion.  It had been there for years.

Somehow, probably by the grace of God, it spared my prize treasure, my green vintage Fenton lamp that I bought at a garage sale years ago for only $3.00.  And it spared my 2 little white kitties with the roses on them.  I just found those at a flea market back in October.  And my sweet little music box with the doves which my mom had on top of our wedding cake.  Thank goodness that survived!

But my had belonged to my grandmother.  I remember it sitting in her curio cabinet when I was little.  My sister and I loved to look at the treasures in grandma's curio cabinet.  Sometimes grandma would sit on the floor with us and one by one, take things out and let us hold them.  She would tell us where they came from and the stories that went with them.  Well, that one is just plain gone.

Then there was the one that I bought with the little flowers on it.  I just thought it was pretty.  Nothing special really, but pretty. 

I did have one survive but not without a reminder of what happened.  There's a chip in the saucer now but it's not visible sitting on the shelf.  It's one my mom bought me at an antique shop. 

I like it because it's unusual.

And then there's this one:


This is not the original. This is a replacement.  My sister bought me this for my birthday years ago, maybe the first or second year that Scott and I were married.  My long time readers know that I don't care much for Christmas but I always thought this was so pretty.  It's the Royal Dalton December cup & saucer. 

I don't know why, but I felt the worst over losing this one.  I think because I've had it longest or because my sister gave it to me.

Well, my sister was here for coffee the day after it happened and she felt really bad about it.  Two days later, I get a package in the mail.  She hunted one down online and replaced it for me.

Anyway, this is what it looks like now:


I have three new teacups now.  My photo of this one didn't come out but here's the saucer:


Isn't it pretty?  Kathi found this one for me.  She knows I love anything "cottage"!

And Bubba bought this one for me:


I love the unusual shape of it!

And then I picked this one up:


This one has an unusual shape as well.

Apparently, what we think happened, is that first, Scott didn't have strong enough anchors in the wall to hold it up.  We had an earthquake a few months back and we think it was strong enough to loosen things up.  Time took care of the rest.

So now I have some new teacups.  I'm still looking for another anniversary clock.  My parents bought us the one we had for our 1st anniversary.  Hard to believe that Scott & I will be married 23 years in September!

So, that's my teacup tragedy.  It's all but bolted to the outside of the house so it isn't going anywhere now!

I'll leave you with some photos of Kathi's Fuzzy, Funky, Fun, Crocheted Flip-flops:

Pink Flip Flops

Yellow Flip Flops

Blue Flip Flops

My Crocheted Flip Flops


  1. Oh my gosh, that's so heartbreaking! I'm sorry you lost things that had special meaning...those are the hard ones to lose. Your teacups are all so pretty.

  2. I'm sorry about your lost treasures. I know the feeling of losing something dear like your grandmother's cup and saucer. I am glad you have pictures and you will always have the stories. But look at how much your family loves you. They hunted for new treasures for you to love. And they are so beautiful. You are blessed.
    The flip flops are awesome! I know some girls who would be all over those!

  3. Oh my Goodness! That is so sad :( I do hope that when you put the shelf back up you found at least 1 stud to secure it into, or it may happen again. How wonderful of your sister to find another cup to replace the one she had gotten you, and you have found some really sweet ones to display on the shelf again. One day you will hopefully find another clock :)

    Wishing you a Happy Teacup Tuesday :)

    Warmest, Brenda

  4. Pam,
    So sorry to hear about your teacup loss! The new ones are very pretty though. Your reasons for liking them are very near the ones I have for my teapots. They are packed safely away until I have a place to put them up again.


  5. OK, where do I start?!? I'm so sorry to hear about your shelf falling. It's something we hope never happens, but sometimes it's out of our hands. Literally! At least you're getting meaningful replacements. Maybe you can incorporate the pieces into some sort of project?!? Love the Avon suitcase and those flip-flops are soooo cute!!

    All of those millinery flowers and leaves for $10! Nuh-uh!!! You are so lucky!! ;-) And the comment moderation.... eventually we all end up doing that, don't we. It's too bad that there are always those that ruin it for others....

    What a newsy day or two you've had. I've just been working - laundry, yard, and today summer camp started at the Farm for the kids. My 4-hr shift turned into 8 hours. I'm going to go have some coffee and stitch. Or sleep.

    Hugs, Cathy

  6. Sorry you lost some of your favorite teacups, Pam, but glad a few things were spared! You did find some really pretty replacements though. Those are cute flip flops!

  7. Oh no! I would be gutted if I lost my treasures this way. I have a china cabinet full of things like this. Funnily enough, I have that "cottage" one in amongst my treasures.

  8. Oh, what a shame, Pam! I'm sorry to hear that some of your favorite teacups were broken! How sweet of your sister to replace the lovely one she had given to you. The other new ones are pretty as well and your shelf is beautifully decorated again.


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