
Sunday, May 09, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Here's a photo of my mom & one of her dogs:

We'll be picking mom up around 8 this morning and heading off to the Flea Market in Grayslake, Il.  Keep your fingers crossed that we find loads of fun goody's!


  1. Have fun! A flea market in Grayslake? I'll have to remember that for our next visit to Mundelein.

  2. Sandy G3:19 PM

    Happy Mother's Day, Pam's Mom! :o)and you too Pam! (Mother to Lucy and....can't remember names)

    Will be looking to see what "goodies" you come up with today! :o)

    You both have produced some wonderful crafts - way to go!

    I couldn't help to notice your Mom has dogs and you have they get along? Did you have dogs or cats (or both) growing up? Nosey, huh? Not really just curious.
    Have a wonderful day, my friend!

  3. Hi Pam's Mom (waving)! AND, is that gorgeous pooch a golden retriever - one of my most favouritest breeds?


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