
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Flea Market Finds of the Week!

Scott and I went to the Elkhorn Wisconsin Flea Market & Antique Show on Sunday.  My goodness!  The show is huge to begin with and this time, it was even bigger than normal!  It took us hours to walk the show but we had such a great time!  It was jam packed with shoppers too.  I don't think I've ever seen that many people there.

It was a lovely day.  Sunny, warm with a bit of a breeze.  I didn't want to leave but I was out of steam by the time we saw everything.  And honestly, I'm not even sure we saw everything!

Anyway, here are some of my treasures from the show.  First, some vintage trims:

Flea Market Treasures

Ya'll know I can't pass by anything that has sequins on it!  I'm really not a flashy person.  My home is very soft in color, very cottage style, lots of pastels and lots of pink.  Oh, but give me the glitter!!!  Except for my CQ purses, I really don't dress flashy.  Lady like I would say but not flashy.

Anyway, my find was a bag full of vintage beads:

Flea Market Treasures

I only paid $3.00 for all of these!

My next find was a few vintage patterns:

Flea Market Treasures

Nothing all that grand but fun to have in my collection.

I don't have photos of everything yet.  I picked up a huge 1 GAL. bag full of small doilies.  There must be 50 in there!  I washed them but still have to iron them.

I also bought a couple of antique tea cups.  I won't go into the story but basically, a freak act of nature brought my small vintage tea cup collection to shards.  My sweet sister Kathi replaced one for me.  That one wasn't actually old, but she bought it for me years ago.  It's a Royal Dalton teacup & saucer for the month of December, which you know is my birth month.  Kathi was able to replace it for me.  She also picked up another pretty teacup & saucer for me.  It has a cottage on it.  She knows I love cottage anything!  Well, then Scott bought me one and I bought one.  Will share when all is back to normal.

In the meantime, I mentioned last week that my sister has joined mom & I and is the new artist at Kitty & Me Designs.  She makes beautiful jewelry, does crocheting and felting.  Lovely things!  It quiets her head when she gets home from work.  Here are a couple pairs of her earrings:

Threader Earrings

Leaf Earrings

Aren't they pretty?  I have several more pairs of her beautiful earrings to list in the shop as soon as I have time.  And be sure to stop back to see her Fuzzy Fun Flip-Flops!  They are just too flipping cute!

My final photo of the day is my Edwardian Lady Mixed Media Art Quilt:

Edwardian Lady Art Quilt

It's done except for the quilt tag which I'll do tomorrow.  The mint green hankie at the top left is one of my Flea Market finds from the weekend.  The pendent watch belonged to my grandmother.  Needless to say, this one will not be available for purchase.  But there are more to come!

And speaking of Art Quilting, I'll post the first installment of my Art Quilting 101 Tutorial tomorrow.  Be sure to stop by for that.  If nothing else, you'll get to see my next Art Quilt project!

Have a great evening everyone!


  1. I really enjoy your blog. One of my favourite things is searching through flea markets! You found some fabulous finds.
    Best wishes~Kerry

  2. I guess when you've got 220 million people in a country, you are going to have a lot of people getting rid of their old stuff - I just wish I could be there! Our 20 million people Down Under seem to hang on to most of their old stuff. Their GOOD old stuff anyway..there is plenty of junk around. That bag of doilies sounds fabulous! I can imagine how much fun you will have cutting them up and making them into something new!


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