
Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Angel Brooches

"Be not forgetful to entertain strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels, unawares."  Anonymous

I've always loved that quote!  It reminds me that there are angels everywhere!

I finished up on my little angel brooches:


The background is velveteen & antique lace.  I did SRE around the angels (which I hand-painted and glittered) and the tatting around the edges is vintage tatting.  I can do tatting, but I really prefer to use vintage whenever I can.  I just love these!

I also finished up the stitching my Cherub CQ Trinket Box:

I hope to have the time tomorrow to put it together.  I've already painted the box and I think this will be so pretty when I get it all put together.

Before I head out for today, I received another package in the mail from Gina in Australia:


I have the sweetest blog friends!  Thank you so much Gina!
Well, I'm off to put an order together and then I'm done for the day.


  1. I love the card with the kittie asleep in the cute is that!! Your wee angels look so pretty too. I learned to needle tat once and then didn't keep up with it, so now I doubt I can remember how to do it. Too bad!

  2. You're very welcome, Pam! I received an envelope from you today - the second biscornu pattern - lovely! Can't wait to start this one...AND finish it - it is not going to be a UFO!

  3. Hi, I enjoy your blog, and I'm so glad you are feeling better. I have a SIL who's bi-polar, and my daughter struggles with depression; you are doing well!
    Your quote this morning is from the Bible: Hebrews 13:2, if you're interested.

  4. Your brooches are just beautiful! I really like the SRE around the angel faces and the tatted lace is such a lovely touch in the "Hens and Chicks" edging! I do tatting and want so much to learn how to do SRE so I can do fun things with my tatting "mistakes"! :)
    Very inspiring! I really want to learn SRE!

  5. P.S. I'd love to see your tatting sometime! Oh, and one more thing! Come on over and visit my tatting blog anytime and bring your friends!
    ~TattingChic ♥

  6. gorgeous brooches Pamela, so very pretty.


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