
Sunday, January 10, 2010

Victorian Tussy Mussy's

I'm not sure if I ever mentioned it before or not.  My mom is visually impaired.  Actually, she's legally blind.  Mom does have a small amount of central vision but not enough vision to drive or get around in town without help.  She does have a dog guide and she helps mom quite a bit to get around.

Thankfully, Mom's small amount of central vision is enough for her to do some crafts, some crocheting and sewing and baking.  Can anyone imagine not being able to see?  Would we creative people go insane or what?  Mom is quite determined to keep doing the things she loves for as long as she possibly can.  Mom made these sweet little Angel Tussy Mussy's last week:

Tussy Mussy Pink

Tussy Mussy Blue

Tussy Mussy White

To encourage mom and to keep her spirit's up, I offered to add some of her of things to my Etsy shop.  Boy, did that spark some enthusiasm in my mom!  Immediately I could see a little burst of energy and hope in her.  My mom also suffers from depression and SADS.  I just thought if focusing on my crafts and stitching helps me, it would help mom too.

In other news, we went to a flea market this morning.  I didn't find anything all that spectacular but I did find some interesting vintage handkerchiefs which kind of gave me some ideas for art dolls.  Been wanting to do some of those for a long time now!  I share photos of them with you later this week.  I also found some old lace.  Like I need more of that!  I just can't help myself.  One can never have too much fabric, too much glitter or too much lace!  I have it soaking in the sink at the moment.  Can't stand that musty smell.

For now, I'm off to take a hot bubble bath and page through some magazines.  It's so cold here today but from what I've heard, we have a warm up coming later this week.  Upper 30's and possibly 40 degree temps.  Whoa!  Heatwave!  At least compared to what we've been living with for awhile now!  Hope everyone else living with the cold gets a nice warm up too!  Happy Sunday everyone!


  1. Your Mom does a great job with her limited vision...good for her!! I'm sure it was such a boost for her when you offered to put her work in your shop. Just the fact that you were willing to do that must have been such a confidence builder for her.

  2. Love the Tussy Mussies. I am in the process of making some for Valentine's Day. I am wondering if you would share the secret of how you get the dangle to hang from the bottom of the "cone"? BTW, any chance you ever lived in Milw, WI? I went to school with a Pam Kellogg. TIA

  3. Anonymous2:13 PM

    The tussy mussy things are adorable! Your mom does a great job. I can't imagine not seeing well.


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