
Saturday, January 23, 2010

Thoughts Of Spring.....

Another cloudy, dreary day here in McHenry, Illinois.  It's not terribly cold and it's not snowing (that's a good thing), but it's dark and grey.

I spent the day with mom, glittering and gluing.  I have some really pretty new things to share but I'm too tired now to take photos so I'll save them for during the week.

The ugliness of dirty, melting snow adds to the boredom of Winter.  I look forward to the snow disappearing and the little peaks of Crocus' popping their heads out of the soil, reminding us that Spring is near by.  I'm really eager to see Robins again.  Those gorgeous songbirds with their bright orange breasts really tell the world that the glorious season has begun.  For us, we usually see the first Robins of Spring about the last week in February or the first week in March.  It's a bit of a wait yet, but such a thrill for me when I see my first Robin of the season.  Much of last year is a big, fat blur to me.  But I do remember the day I saw my first Spring Robin!

Working on my garden quilt does help me to think of Spring:

Floral Crazy Quilt Block 6

Block #6 is coming along nicely, isn't it?  As you can see, I've really been playing with Carol Samples templates.  I only used my Waste Canvas technique for the feather stitch and the herringbone stitch.

Tomorrow, Scott is taking me into town to Borders & Michaels.  The latest Marie Antoinette movie is just screaming at me!  I read the reviews and I just know it's a movie I'll watch over and over.  Thankfully, there's no beheading in the end.  I know I couldn't deal with that right now!  As much as I love Amadeus and usually watch it a few times in January, I can't deal with some of it right now.  Especially the end.  It's not an accurate historical representation of Mozart's life, but it's a bit too dark and heavy for me at the moment.

I'm also going to order the Marie Antoinette issue from Somerset Studio.  I can't stand not having it!  The Somerset Studio magazines have helped me quite a bit the last few months.  The colors and the beautiful handmade things remind me of feeling like my real self.  Not the partial zombie that I've been for too long now.  Some of the zombiness has faded away but I still feel a bit off the planet.  Like I'm trying to function with someone else's glasses on rather than my own.  It's screwy!

Anyway, at Michael's, I need glue!  I can't believe how many different types of glue I use for my projects.  And then there's some of the new Martha Stewart glitters!  Oooof!  I love my glitter!

I'm really itching to go antiquing.  The next flea market isn't until Valentine's Day.  That'll be fun for Scott and I.  I may have to ask him to take me to an antique mall next week.  I love the thrill of the hunt and the thrill of a bargin!

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if thoughts of spring are along the same lines as visions of sugarplums? (and no, I have no clue why I had to say that! mind works in mysterious ways). Hope you had a good search through the stores and managed to find some goodies to play with.


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