
Friday, December 18, 2009

A Week Before Christmas

Every year, I seem to have one elusive gift to find. This year, the gift is a heavy flannel shirt. I went to Kohl's, WalMart and Target. No one had them. I kept thinking, geez louise! it is the middle of Winter! Finally, I tried the Sears store and there it was. The holy grail of flannel shirts! Ha, ha, ha! With the exception of wrapping my gifts, which Scott will help me do on Sunday, my work for this Christmas is done!

This morning, I put my cookie trays together for my neighbors, ran to the Post Office to mail my last Christmas package and stopped at the Dollar Tree for some pastel colored tissue paper. I would have looked around there longer but quite honestly, there was a little kid in there screaming her bloody lungs out and I just couldn't take it. You know, my mother never tolerated that from my sister and I. We were either good and quiet or mom hauled our butts out of the store and took us home. She didn't let us annoy anyone else.

Well, I don't want to bore anyone with my whining about the behavior of today's children. I thought I'd share with you my final goody of the Christmas season. Fudge!

Homemade Fudge

Homemade Fudge with white chocolate icing and colored sprinkles! They look like they're right out of the Fannie May store! I included these in with my cookie trays for my neighbors and have enough left to take over to mom's on Christmas Eve.

So now, I'm pretty much free to do what I want to do. I started on stitching on Block #3 of my Garden Quilt:

Floral Crazy Quilt Block 3

If you want to see larger versions of any of my photos, please feel free to click on them. That will take you over to Flickr where you can see them enlarged. I post the small photos for my readers who like me, are still on dial-up.

Anyway, our little garden is growing quite quickly! It's certainly beginning to look like Spring. At least here at Kitty & Me it does. Outside is a grey, dreary, ugly mess! But Spring will come again and in the meantime, we have this quilt to tend to!


  1. I have to tell you that I am just in love with this quilt Pam. As you know I did the black CQ, but I am really enjoying the crisp, cleaness of your white blocks. I am inspired!

    I am pleased to see some of your 'regular' self coming back thru in your posts too my dear cyber friend.

    Wish I was closer to enjoy someof that holiday baking

  2. Of course I looked at the pictures first and then was blown away when I discovered the fudge picture was actually your own fudge! That picture looks like wonderful wrapping paper and I thought that was what it was!! Mmm...yum. Good for you for getting everything done and having some breathing space before Christmas. I might be able to join you after this weekend. The wrapping is done (yeah!) and I might make another little icicle doll, and then again I might not!

  3. These are looking so pretty Pam. I'm really enjoying seeing how these blocks turn out.

  4. I know what you mean about elusive gifts, Pam. I've been trying to find decorative hand soaps and finally went online. Too late for this year, but then there's always another year. Love that quilt!


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