
Tuesday, December 15, 2009


My mom always says, "if everyone would stop chasing happiness and start finding someone to give it to, everyone would have it!"

We went to the retirement center yesterday with my mom's therapy dog Chooch, and a huge basket full of cookie bags. I can't begin to tell you what Chooch and those cookies do for the residents. Some are quite perky and cheerful but many are withdrawn, lonely and sad. What a boost to their spirit when they see Chooch and we hand them a bag of homemade cookies. We could actually see a little light return to their faces. That's what happiness is!

Chooch had her little Santa hat on and she leaves it on the whole time! She's such a wonderful dog. Unfortunately, brainless me forgot to bring my camera over to mom's so I don't have photos of Chooch with her Santa hat or photos of the little cookie bags that mom and I made. I am planning on taking my camera over to mom's on Christmas and we'll get a photo of Santa Chooch then.

In the meantime, I finished up the stitching on Block #2 of my Garden Quilt:

Floral Crazy Quilt Block 2 Completed

The Spiderweb is a vintage pin that I bought at a Flea Market not too long ago. The tiny rose is from a pair of vintage earrings that I also found at a flea market. They're the old fashioned screwback earrings so I just took my wire cutters and cut that off then sewed it on. The companion will find it's way to another block on this quilt.

With Block #2 completed, I'll be starting on Block #3 shortly:

Floral Crazy Quilt Block 3

This quilt will be quite Springy! I mentioned when I started it that it will hang in my living room. I have my Lucky quilt there now but I'm wanting to look at something new:

Lucky Crazy Quilt

I do plan to put this together as soon as I have all 9 blocks completed. I'm also planning on putting my Button Quilt together and hanging that over my husband's dresser in our bedroom. We rearranged the furniture in there a few weeks back and over his dresser is the perfect spot for it! Well, he doesn't think so, but I do. If he had his way, there would be a huge vintage Vargas girl hanging over his dresser. I think not. It doesn't go with my decorating style!


  1. Pam, Your quilts are just gorgeous.

  2. Anonymous2:53 PM

    If you keep this up, Pam, you're going to have that quilt top finished before winter starts, never mind getting you through the winter months! Looking beautiful.


  3. Hi Pam, that spring block sure finished up beautifully! It's so happy and cheerful, perfect for winter work. What a great pin that spiderweb is. Hugs, Cathy

  4. oooh...I had forgotten about your button quilt! Thank you for reminding me so I could have another drool over it.

  5. That spider web pin is really neat. I have seen plenty of spider pins but never a web complete like that. It sounds like you are back to having fun.



  6. I think the happiness that you and your mom and her dog are bringing to reflected in this block #2. It's all connected...and so wonderful, Pam!

  7. Your Mom is very wise! It feels natural to me to be happy when I've helped someone less fortunate in some way. I'm basically a happy person anyway, so I guess I'm one of the lucky ones.
    I had to giggle over your comment about your hubby preferring a poster of a Vargas girl on the wall! We have Indians, motorcycles and steam train pictures and posters on most of our walls. Not my idea of pretty decor either, but what the's not worth fighting over. I happen to like Indians, steam trains and motorcycles myself!

  8. Anonymous7:35 AM

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  9. Sandy G7:01 AM

    Way to go, Pam! Block #2 done, on to Block 3! Must say I like the change to Block 2 - but only because I flipped between the old and new picture to see the difference. Don't have the artistic eye like you do but could appreciate the difference once seen. :o) Thanks for sharing "our" Spring garden quilt blocks. :o)
    Also, thanks for the links to other blogs. Cool stuff to appreciate. My favorite thing was the embellished (pink) reindeer. :o)


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