
Sunday, December 20, 2009

Chicken Vegetable Soup

As you know, I don't cook! My mom tells people that the only reason I have a kitchen is because it came with the house! Ha, ha, ha!!!

I do however, boil water and put stuff in it. Then I call it soup. I just made this huge pot of Chicken Vegetable Soup:

Homemade Chicken Vegetable Soup

I haven't tasted it yet but boy, does my house smell good! I was going to make some bread in my Kitchenaid to go with it but I'm getting a little tired now so we'll have a few crackers with it.

I have a little GIVE AWAY if anyone wants it. It's the October/November 2009 issue of Sandra Lee's Semi-Homemade magazine:

Semi Homemade Magazine Give Away

I'll gladly send it to the first person who leaves a comment on this post letting me know that they want it. USA residents only please as I will take care of the postage. It's a very nice magazine with loads of recipes and gobs of creative ideas. I'm a "magazine junkie" but I just can't keep them all. I'll talk about my magazine obsession another time.

For now, I'm off to have a bowl of soup and then to wrap my gifts. Happy Sunday!!!


  1. Pam, I would love to have the magazine. Thanks for the offer. I love the look of your soup. I too am a throw everything in a pot and call it soup kind of girl! I bet it is delicious.

  2. Nice to know there's someone else that is obsessed with magazines too! I'm a sucker for anything that Somerset Studios put out; Cloth,Paper,Scissors; and Quilting Arts. That's just the crafting ones...we won't discuss the OTHER ones I either buy or subscribe to!


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