
Monday, November 16, 2009

Winter Crazy Quilt Project

On Saturday morning, I gave Mary Anne's Impossible Chocolate Pie a try. Oh my goodness! It's absolutely sinful! My father said it was dangerous! Ha, ha, ha! I took photos but, my photos were fuzzy so I don't have one to share. I just thought I'd mention that it's a wonderful, very rich dessert and if you want to give it a try, you won't be sorry. You can find the recipe here at Magpie's Mumblings. Thank you Mary Anne!

Susan asked me what I do with all my baking since Scott and I don't eat much of it. I give most of it to my father and my neighbors. The fun for me is making it and the way it makes my kitchen smell. My mom always jokes, that the only reason I have a kitchen is because it came with the house. LOL! I'm really not into cooking. It doesn't do a thing for me. I can make basic stuff like soup, chili and so on but it's the baking that I love.

Sue mentioned that she really enjoys whatever photos I post, be it stitching, sewing, baking or whatever. Thank you for your message Sue!

I was over-stressing (no wonder I had a breakdown) over staying on topic. My anxiety levels have always been off the charts! But as you can see, I'm loosening up a bit. From now on, I'm just going to talk about whatever I feel like talking about. There will be plenty of stitching, new designs (as soon as my desire to design comes back) and other craft related topics but there will also be my baking and probably some gardening photos come Spring & Summer. Maybe I'm starting to let go of some things and perhaps I won't be so uptight anymore.

Well, speaking of Spring & Summer, I started sewing up some blocks today for a new quilt project. I sewed up 4 blocks and have 5 more to do. I decided to do something light and airy to help me get through the dreaded Winter months ahead. Ya'll know how I feel about Winter!

Anyway, I've been collecting vintage machine-embroidered handkerchiefs for years now. I have a whole hatbox full of them! I pulled 9 out with different colored flowers:

Vintage Hankies

The blocks are 8 inches square and are pieced all in a variety of white fabrics. I want my stitching and beading to really pop but I want the quilt to be soft looking. As soon as I get the last 5 blocks pieced, I'll share another photo of them all before I start stitching on them.

I'm still working on my Vogart dresser scarf with the kitties. It's taking me a wee bit longer than I anticipated. If I'd stay away from my Kitchenaid for awhile, I would be able to get it done!


  1. Hi Pam

    I think the Kitchenaid is great therapy for you and I am sure you can always find someone to eat what you make.

    I think we all have our times when we cannot get motivated. I am in one of those right now. I guess the best thing is to not worry about it and in time we will be back to our embroideries, sewing, whatever.
    You are sounding so much better. Maybe this new Pam will turn out to be an easier skin to live in.



  2. Pam I also have a drawer full of boxes of vintage embroidered handkies. I am looking forward to seeing how your quilt pans out, as I may do something similar with my handkies. You are always such an inspiration to someone like me who has to see what other people do before I try something new!

  3. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Glad you're feeling better. As far as getting stressed out about staying "on subject", as I've seen elsewhere "it's your blog, you can put what you darned well like on it!". I enjoy reading about the other hobbies and projects.

  4. The "subject" here is Pam! Whatever she shares is what we are interested in.
    Your Winter CQ project is going to be so delightful. What fun to get it underway....


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