
Monday, November 23, 2009

Still Breathing

I don't have anything all that great to share today. Just wanted to say hello. I've been quite restless and feel the need to keep moving around. I made a batch of shortbread cookies yesterday, sewed up a 9 inch block for a white peacock purse, went to Staples for a new ink cartridge ($71.99 later. What's up with that? Geez, we all need a loan to buy printer ink these days!), took cookies to my 3 great neighbors, made chili for taco salad and finally at 3:00 pm, when I was yawning, Scott told me to go lay down on the bed and watch TV. That was it for my day.

I saw my counselor this morning and she told me that the restlessness is really nervousness due to the upcoming holidays. She said that once I get past the 1st of the year, I should start to feel better. Thank goodness. I'm having a hard time sitting still to stitch.

I'm getting ready to head over to mom's now. We're going to the retirement center this afternoon with Thanksgiving Cookie Bags for everyone. I'm taking my camera with me to mom's so I'll have photos tomorrow. Wait till you see my mom's therapy dog, Chooch! She is so cute and so sweet! A beautiful Black Lab and the happiest dog I've ever met!

Until tomorrow, have a great day everyone!


  1. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Keep your chin up Pamela, things will pick up and you'll be able to put all this behind you. Keeping you in my thoughts, loving all your baking photos too, I can't cook things like that to save my life! You inspire me to try...

    Love and hugs,
    Linda x

  2. My goodness Pam! I haven't looked in for a while and it is wonderful to read of you being so positive. :-) Baking cookies and sewing, flea markets and preparing to go out with your mother. Great stuff.
    Loulee xx


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