
Sunday, November 01, 2009

Gingerbread Cupcakes And Other Baking

I've been running my Kitchenaid Mixer since 9 this morning! I started with Blueberry Muffins for Scott. He loves these:

Blueberry Muffins

I've never been big on Blueberries so they don't do anything for me but Scott said that this is a really good batch. The recipe is just the one in the Better Homes & Gardens basic cookbook. The only change I made is that I added 1 teaspoon of vanilla.

CNext, are my Gingerbread Cupcakes:

Gingerbread Cupcakes

I only had a small taste of one and they are incredible! I never made them before. They came from my grandmother's 1963 General Mills cookbook. Here is the recipe:


2 cups Flour
2 teaspoons Baking Powder
1/4 teaspoon Baking Soda
2 teaspoons Ground Ginger
1 teaspoon Cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon Salt
1/3 cup Butter
1/2 cup Sugar
1 Egg well-beaten
2/3 cup Molasses
3/4 cup Buttermilk

Combine all dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl.
Combine all wet ingredients in another mixing bowl.
Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients and mix well.

Bake in cupcake pan at 375 degrees for 20 minutes.


1 3-ounce package Cream Cheese
1/4 cup Butter
1 teaspoon Vanilla
2 cups Powdered Sugar

Mix frosting ingredients together and frost cupcakes. Add sprinkles.
Makes 12 cupcakes

Next, I made the most incredible Chocolate Loaf Cake:

Chocolate Loaf Cake

Again, I just had a tiny bite. I really don't eat too much in the way of sweets but I love making them. I kind of made this one for my dad. He loves chocolate! The recipe came from Food Network. I saw Nigella make it yesterday morning and I knew it was something my dad would like. You can find the recipe here.

When I finished that, I made some applesauce and then some egg salad. I confess, that was probably a bit too much but I can just stitch for the rest of the day now. My laundry is done too and I put my Halloween do-dads away and brought out my Thanksgiving do-dads. I can't stand looking at Halloween stuff the day after Halloween!

Anyway, on to some stitching:

Vogart Dresser Scarf

A few weeks back, I started stitching on this vintage Vogart Dresser Scarf that I bought at a Flea Market for $3.00. I have one end of it completed and just started on the other side. I don't plan to start another project until I complete this one. I do hope to have it done by the end of next weekend. We shall see!

Ok, I'm off to stitch.


  1. Oh, yum! Is it okay if I just come on over for a taste testing too? Esp. the chocolate? I'm a huge chocolate lover!

  2. If you like gingerbread, try the recipe on It's the best gingerbread that I've found since my Grandma's own. Happy baking.

  3. everything looks yummy.. I have been wanting to make some pumpkin bread ever since my daughter asked if there was such a thing :-) I agree with you about the decorations.. I took ours down last night after we got back from trick-or-treat.. btw - glad to see u blogging again.. I love your stuff.

  4. Oh my goodness, I should not have come to your blog right now! I am hungry and you just made it worse!! LOL Everything looks so wonderful!! Your stitching does too!!

  5. Hi Pam, I've been following your blog for ages. I was really sorry when you weren't feeling well but your posts are sounding so much more cheerful lately, I'm really pleased and hope you continue to improve.

  6. Hi Pam

    You are going to wear that poor machine out in the first month. Just kidding. I have one in chicago I have had for years and just couldn't get along without it so bought one for Florida. I bought one for each of the 3 girls for shower presents years ago and they are still going along strong.
    Wouldn't be without a KitchenAid.
    I think I will try the gingerbread muffins. They sounded good.

    You also are sounding good. I am so glad for you and I wouldn't be in such a hurry to get off the meds. Take your time until you are really feeling 100%.




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