
Friday, November 06, 2009

Chocolate Sugar Cookies & Thanksgiving Greetings!

I got home from mom's yesterday and I just had to play with my Kitchenaid. I whipped up a batch of Chocolate Sugar Cookies:

Chocolate Sugar Cookies

My dad loves these and although Scott isn't much for sweets, he too is quite fond of these cookies. Here's the recipe:

Chocolate Sugar Cookies

1 cup Sugar
1 cup Butter
1 teaspoon Vanilla
1 Egg
1/2 teaspoon Baking Soda
1/3 cup Cocoa
2 cups Flour
1 bag Semi-Sweet Mini Chocolate Chips

Cream butter & sugar. Add baking soda & cocoa. Mix well. Add egg & vanilla. Add flour and mix well then finally add the bag of chips.

Drop by teaspoon full on baking sheet. Flatten with bottom of glass dipped in sugar. I then add seasonal sprinkles! Also, I bake my cookies on Parchment Paper. It helps them to bake more evenly.

Bake at 350 degrees for about 8 minutes or until cookies are done but not brown.

I'd love to play with my new toy a little more but I'm toast for today now. I'll be taking my bath shortly and laying on my bed with my remote control and the new issue of Artful Blogging. Of course Nightmare, my little guardian, will be hogging the blankets!

I also thought you would enjoy seeing my handmade Thanksgiving cards:

Thanksgiving Cards

You may want to click on the picture to see them up close. They're very glittery!

I have some new projects rolling around in my mind. I try to keep myself busy in hopes of keeping my mind off of how I feel. I still don't have my head all together yet. I can't do things as quickly as I used to. And I can't seem to organize things well yet. I'm assured that it will all come back in time but for now, it's a little frustrating.

I'm off to fold a load of laundry and put dinner together. We have left-over taco salad for tonight. Scott told me that taco salad was "border-line" cooking. Ha! I said no way! It's browning a package of ground beef and mixing in a jar of mild Pace Picante sauce!

BTW - I'm a little behind on my email. I plan to have that caught up by the end of the weekend. If you're waiting to hear back from me, please hang in there. I'll be replying very soon.


  1. I enlarged the cookie picture (well, I enlarged the cards too, but I was REALLY interested in the cookies!). You know I love chocolate.
    The cards were nice too!

  2. Lovely cards!! I'm going to increase my output of counted cross stitch motifs for cards. I recently made a simple card out of a rose I worked years ago. I learned something about mailing it. Best to craft your card to fit in a post office approved size envelope (which you can also make yourself) to avoid extra postage. Next one I make will be standard size. (I have to close my eyes at the cookies-my husband is unable to eat carbs :(

  3. Love your cards! Finally broke down today and ordered the mixer! Wasn't the color I really want, but the price was! I know I won't be as prolific as you, but holiday baking will be MUCH more fun.

  4. Boy do those cookies look great, Pam!
    Your home must be smelling extra good these days, with all the baking you're doing.

  5. Your cards are truly gorgeous! You haven't lost your creative touch at all, Pam. You may be a bit slower, but what the heck?


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