
Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Autumn Home Decor

Today is a decent feeling day! I'm tired and still feel as if I'm on another planet but I've been thinking about new design ideas and projects and I did some stitching on vintage Vogart dresser scarf!

I also took some photos and have some finishes to share with you. First, is my Autumn Is In The Air pillow:

Autumn Is In The Air

I have it sitting with one of my scarecrows on my grandma's cedar chest which I have behind my sofa:

Cedar Chest And Scarecrows

I change the pillows and dolls with the holidays and seasons. I like things festive, but not cluttered looking.

Next, I finished up the door-hanger that I started for my mom for Mother's Day:

Doorhanger For Mom

You may remember that little vintage heart-shaped wicker chair that I found a few years ago in an antique shop. Scott painted it white for me and now it sits in the corner of my living room. I always have a little door-hanger pillow on the post. And sometimes a black cat who shall remain a Nightmare!

Heart Shaped Chair

I made the cross stitch seat cover years and years ago! I had it on a chair in my bedroom but when I brought this chair home, the seat cover fit it perfectly so I moved it.

Last but not least for today, I finished up the stitching on my Spider Web Purse:

Spider Web Purse Stitching Complete

Now to find a good feeling day to sew it together. I would love to be able to use it from now until Halloween. Perhaps over the weekend. Although we do have another flea market to go to on Sunday and I'm counting the minutes!

I'll definitely have to share photos of my baking. Perhaps I'll share a few of my recipes too. Stayed tuned for that! I'm off to make some Popovers to have with dinner. I'm getting tired so I'll just stitch after that.


  1. Wow...sounds like you accomplished a lot today! I love your purse, but most of all I'm happy to read that you're thinking of new designs and also looking forward to the flea market on the weekend. Both of those are good signs!!

  2. Wow, you have been busy and have accomplished so much. Great to hear Pam, as I have been thinking of you and missing your is sew inspiring to see your wonderful ideas and I checked almost daily. Have fun at the flea market. I love these signs that you are recovering. Take care.

  3. Everything looks great! You have gotten a lot done!!

  4. Anne in Tampa2:51 PM

    Everything is so beautiful! I haven't peeked in lately,but you have inspired me to pick up those neglected projects. Thank you so much for feeling better,and helping me to find time for what makes me happy. Looking forward to your continued creativity and happiness.


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