
Monday, August 10, 2009

A Quick Hello

This is the first time I've had my computer on in a couple of weeks. I check my messages on my dad's computer when I feel up to it.

I'm hanging in here. The nightmare continues but the Zoloft is helping. I wish I could describe the awful physical sensations, the weird dreadful creepy feelings and the horror movie that plays in my head sometimes. It is so not me! I just don't think those kind of thoughts. I think butterflies and hummingbirds and soft fuzzy things.

Anyway, I've done a couple loads of laundry today and mixed 2 batches of cookies that I'll bake tomorrow. I try to do what I can do when I can do it. Laying around watching TV is getting old but much of the time, that's all I can do.

Scott is still on vacation so I'm giving my parents a break. Not that they mind that I lay on their sofa and watch TV. I mean, who is better capable of taking care of me than my parents?

My mom tries to encourage me to make a card now and then. I've done quite a few but frankly, when I look at them now, I can't remember making any of them. I have done a bit of stitching the past few days. I finished a pillowcase and started on the companion. With all the laying around I do, it'll be nice to have a pretty new set of pillowcases. I'm just trying to make myself do a few things, even if only for a little while here and there.

On a happy note, I still have a male hummingbird here. The males usually leave the first week of July. Perhaps the one I'm seeing a young one born this year. If that's the case, he'll head back south with the females the end of September. If it isn't a young one, maybe he's still here because of our screwy weather this year!

Well, just wanted to say hello before I turn my computer off. Thank you again everyone for your encouragement. Everyone tells me that this will go away eventually. It's just a slow process. Too darn slow in my opinion but it is what it is.

Monday, August 03, 2009

Saying Hello

The extra Zoloft has helped but it's only covering up the symptoms. I look forward to the day that this nightmare of an experience actually starts to recede.

I was able to do some cleaning yesterday and bake some cookies but today, I have zip for energy.

Just wanted to stop by and say hello.