
Thursday, April 23, 2009


I had to say goodbye to my teddy bear today.


Farewell Master, yet not farewell.
Where I go, ye too shall dwell.
I am gone before your face, a moment's time, a little space.
When ye come where I have stepped, ye will wonder why ye wept.

Edwin Arnold

Farewell, Master, yet not farewell.
Where I go, ye too shall dwell.
I am gone before your face,
A moment's time, a little space.
When ye come where I have stepped
Ye will wonder why ye wept.

Farewell, Master, yet not farewell.
Where I go, ye too shall dwell.
I am gone before your face,
A moment's time, a little space.
When ye come where I have stepped
Ye will wonder why ye wept.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A Quick Message

Ladies, I'm still having some issues here and my oldest cat Garfield is not doing well. I'm going to take a blogging break for a bit. I hope it's only for a short time.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Button Block #36 Completed!

Just a quick update for today. I've finished up on Button Block #36:

Button Block 36

Next, I think I'll make a couple for Mother's Day.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Button Block #36 Continued....

Some more progress on my current Button Block:

Button Block 36

Not sure if I'll get this finished up today or not. I want to go outside and work on cleaning up the yard some more. I'm still cleaning up sawdust from having that tree taken down and I need to get that done before it starts to rot my perennials. If I work on this more today, I'll post an update photo over the weekend.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Button Block #36

I've started on another Button Block:

Button Block 36

This one will be made into a door-hanger as a gift for a friend.

In other news, I've released the 4th and final part of the Garden Fantasy Mystery Project. Stop by here in another day or so to see the complete design!

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Little Girl With Doll Purse - Stitching Complete

I just finished up on this pretty project:

Little Girl With Doll Purse

I'll sew this up as soon as I can and post a photo of the completed project when it's done.

In the meantime, I haven't decided on a new project yet. I'll post again as soon as I pick something.

Friday, April 03, 2009

Little Girl With Doll Purse Continued

I've been working on the beading on this project:

Little Girl With Doll Purse

I'll be working on that lace applique next.

I was asked how I go about painting my lace. It's actually quite simple. I use Dyna-flow dye by Jacquard. I wet my lace, mix my colors (watering them down a bit) and then using a small paint brush, I pick up some color and dab the brush onto the lace allowing the wet lace to pull the color from the brush. I do this on some paper towels so they absorb the excess water.

Once I'm happy with how it looks, I dry my pieces in the microwave. Generally at 50% power for only 30 seconds at a time until it's dry.

Remember, that it will dry lighter than it appears when it's wet!

Hope this helps!