
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day!

I must confess, I absolutely love the pomp & circumstance of Inauguration Day! I have ABC on in the living room and I'm listening to it as I type. Normally, I don't watch the news or regular TV. I don't care to be bombarded with the negative messages that come through, even in commercials. Instead, I listen to QVC most of the time. Lots of pretty things to look at and the show hosts are so cheerful and uplifting to listen to. And every now and then, I do indulge in a little something special for myself.

But Inauguration Day is something special and I'll admit that I have put a lot of hope and faith in our new President. I see a light in him and I know he'll do well for our country.

I'll be working on my laptop in the living room today. I'm designing a project in cross stitch to commemorate today's events. Normally, something like that wouldn't be my thing but it's been calling to me for days and when my father in law suggested a special commemorative sampler, I knew I had to do one. I'll make it available as soon as I have it ready.

In the meantime, here is an update on my Easter purse:

Easter Purse

The appliqué is beaded and embellished now. I love the SRE at the bottom! I was going to bead this with seed beads and then I thought to myself, geez louise girl! you're going to be here for days beading this. That's when I thought to use the bugle beads instead. It took about 2 hours to do the bugle beads.

I was asked about my little chick image in the middle. That image is from some Victorian clipart that I have. It's a copyright free image. I don't use a traditional image transfer method. I print my images on fabric using my computer. Also, I use cotton fabric rather than the silk that's usually used for crazyquilting. I've found that images transferred to silk look washed out. At least to me. With the cotton fabric, the images are crisp and bright and I'm all about that!

If anyone is interested in having some of these images, I will be happy to make some available. Please leave me a message here or in email and I'll gladly put some together. I can print 4 images on one sheet of fabric. I can also put some together with a few embellishments. In fact, I've been thinking of doing some embellishment packs since my stash has it's own stash! Ha, ha, ha! Give me some ideas of what you're looking for such as vintage ladies, holiday images and so on and I can get some things together.

Finally for today, here are pages 39 & 40 of my 1936 Herrschner's Catalog:

1936 Herrschners Catalog Page 39

1936 Herrschners Catalog Page 40

Check out the white with black polka dot dress at the bottom of page 39! That is just screaming at me! I love it!!!

Well, there's only about 4 pages left to this catalog. I hope you've been enjoying it!

Happy Inauguration Day everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:33 PM

    I would love to have some of your images. I am always looking for things to use in embellising, and images are a fun way.


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