
Monday, December 29, 2008

New Purse

Peace is not the absence of conflict, but the ability to cope with it.

I've started on another purse. As you know, I have an antique Singer Treadle Sewing Machine and I've always been taken with this photo because of that:

Sewing Machine Lady Purse

I started on it yesterday but didn't get very far!

Here are pages 5 & 6 of the 1936 Herrschner's catalog:

1936 Herrschners Catalog Page 5

1936 Herrschners Catalog Page 6

I have a new reader who asked me about Block # 31. Phyllis, all the blocks are for a quilt and they showcase my vast collection of buttons. They are 6 inches square blocks and I'm planning on about 100 of them. I expect it be a large quilt! Unless I get tired of working on them. Anyway, if you would like to see the blocks I've done so far, click here.

Finally for today, I thought I'd change things in my sidebar now and then. I've added some links to some nice shopping sites where you can find do-dads for embroidery & crazy quilting.



  1. It's going to be another great purse, Pam.
    I am looking forward to exploring the new resources links on your sidebar. Thanks so much for posting them!

    Keep those inspiring quotations coming, please. Today's was awesome.

  2. I have that image on one of my CDs and I love it too! It's in such contrast to how I look when I sew!


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