
Saturday, June 21, 2008

A Few More Tags

Scott and I just got back from driving around and looking for property for sale. We want some acreage. We want peace & quiet, privacy & seclusion. The subdivision we live in now has become extremely noisy in the past few years. It was quiet when we bought our house, but now it's nothing but screaming kids, barking dogs, dirtbikes, motorcycles, loud radios and any other noise you can think of. I don't even open my windows anymore. I just keep the A/C on. We don't spend much time out on the deck anymore either. Anyway, we kind of think that we have to start somewhere so the best place to start is to look for property. We found a nice piece that we're going to go and check out again after breakfast tomorrow.

In the meantime, I know my blog hasn't been all that exciting lately but I try to offer something interesting as often as I can. I haven't stitched yet today but I'll be turning into a pumpkin (shorts & tee shirt) in a few moments and parking myself in front of my television with my June Take It Further block.

For now, I thought I would offer you two more tags for gifts or cards:

Tag 8

Tag 9

No, I'm not in the mood for Halloween yet but this one came out in oranges and reds and Halloween was the first thing I thought of! These are Fractal images with a few other cool filters.

Click on the images to go to my Flickr site where you can download the large version.

To thank me for helping them, my mom bought me an ATC (Artist Trading Card) kit. I've been talking about ATC's for years now! Anyway, the kit includes precut ready to embellish cards, envelopes and a rubber stamp for signing the back. I am itching to play! I can see all kinds of them including tiny CQ's! I expect you'll be seeing a few here in the near future.

Ok, I'm off to turn into a pumpkin and stitch!


  1. Check out the blog Blue-Eyed Girl which you can get to from mine; she seems to have a real knack with ATCs and good sources of materials.

    Where in Illinois are you looking for property, Pam? I loved the picture of your dream house, especially the porch!

  2. Now Pam, don't underestimate yourself, my dear. Your blog is NEVER boring, ALWAYS interesting, and SOMETIMES exciting!
    I am so sorry to hear about your living space being violated by hoons as we call them here in Australia. What is it about people between the ages of 10 and 20, even 25? No consideration for others, each one trying to outdo the next with the amount of awful noise they produce. Yup, I know exactly how you feel. Our once quiet street had nice children who played happily with just a bit of noise. They've grown up into teens with loud fast cars and even louder hi-fi systems. Glad I haven't got kids, aren't you? Good luck with your search for a new home...let me know where you find one and we'll join you...I wish!!!


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