
Monday, April 14, 2008

Quick Update

I finished up on the blue Comfort Cat Doll on Saturday:

Comfort Cat 2

Sometime this week, I hope to get him and his little friend sewn up so I can mail them to Pat for The Comfort Doll Project.

I also started on another button block:

Button Block 19

On another note, I was wondering if you could ask you to send some positive thoughts to my father. He fell yesterday and broke his hip. I'm sure he'll be fine, but it's still a little scary. He's having surgery today to have some pins put in it. Any positive energy you could send his way would be much appreciated.


  1. Beautiful pieces as usual....

    Keeping your dad in my thoughts.

  2. Positive thoughts going his way.

    Looking good! I like all the blue. Makes me think of summer, not sure why!

  3. Oh Pam, best wishes for a speedy recovery for your Dad!

  4. Sending love and well-wishes to your dad, Pam...

  5. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Pam, again as always, gorgeous work! I will keep your dad and family in my prayers and also light a candle for him. Debbie (Maine)

  6. Love your newest block, Pam...the kitty, too. I'll be thinking of you and your dad today and the rest of the week! Take good care.

  7. Anonymous11:26 AM

    your adventures in stitching add so much positive pleasure to my day i wanted to let you know that what goes around comes around.

  8. Anonymous1:02 PM


    I'm keeping your dad in my thoughts and prayers.

    I love the "fish theme" of your latest comfort kitty!

    Looking forward to seeing how you finish your latest button block.


  9. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Keeping your dad in my thoughts and prayers. Great projects as always.


  10. I absolutely love your blue block - wow! My very favorite colors.

    Am keeping your father in my thoughts and prayers.

    Just posted my first-ever CQ block on my blog; one of the pieces in the block will look very familiar to you...

  11. Oh Pam, I am sorry to hear of your father's injury. I wish him a speedy recovery and will keep him in my thoughts...sending positive healing thoughts his way.

  12. Hi Pam
    Positive thoughts are certainly coming your way. I read that he is sitting today. That in itself is very positive. That he is reading is wonderful.
    I will send thoughts of strength, beauty and family/friend love and I am sure this will comfort all of you.
    Hugs Dee in Ontario


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