
Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Button Block #20 Complete

It felt good to sit and stitch yesterday. I picked up a few things at WalMart that my mom needed and then just stitched the rest of the day. I finished up Button Block #20:

Button Block 20

After that, I started on this one:

Button Block 21

My dad is doing well. He can get down into the TV room now and sit by his computer for awhile. He said his computer chair is the most comfortable chair he's sat in in 2 weeks!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Button Blocks #20 & #21

I finished up stitching the seams on this block yesterday:

Button Block 20

I have to run to WalMart and pick up a prescription for my mom and then I should be able to stitch this afternoon.

When I finish up on the pink & silver block, I'll be doing this one next:

Button Block 21

This is the "special" block that I mentioned last week. Allie sent me this gorgeous peacock:


It's hand-painted and so beautiful and ya'll know I have this thing for peacocks! I knew the moment I saw it that it had to go on my Button Quilt! So this will be the focal point for this block.

I'm starting to think that I want this quilt to be quite large. Somewhere in the 80 - 100 block range. Since I'm on #20, I still have quite a way to go yet! Stay tuned!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Button Block #20

Thank you everyone for your kind comments regarding my dad. He's home now and is doing quite well! He actually did great getting up the steps. It took awhile but the railings on both sides helped a lot. The hardest part was getting him up the two steps from the garage into the house. There are no railings there.

Anyway, I'm thinking now that he's better off at home. He said he's sleeping better because it's quiet and he can move around and rest at his own pace.

I started on Button Block #20 yesterday:

Button Block 20

I only managed one seam before I got tired and ended up just sitting and looking at magazines but I think I'll start getting a little more into my normal routine soon.

Thank you again everyone, for you kind thoughts and best wishes!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Quick Update On My Father

The hospital is sending him home today. Not because he's ready but because Medicare will only pay for so much and the hospital refuses to take any loss. The state of healthcare in the US is a sad state! It's not about people and healing by any means. But it is what it is so we have to deal with it.

And I would like to say one more thing. I have absolutely no use for social workers! If I have any readers who work as social workers, I'm sorry but they are some the most rude and inconsiderate people I've ever met! A little compassion for both the patient and their families would go a long way!

I'll be going to bring him home later this morning. I have absolutely no idea how my mom and I are going to get him up the steps. I guess we'll cross that bridge when we get there. At least I have a Towncar so that should be relatively easy for him to get in and out of. There's no way he would be able to get in and out of our truck.

Now that he'll be home, I expect to have some of my free time back. This has been an exhausting couple of weeks. I'm not one to be on the go all the time but I've had to help my mom out.

I guess that's all I have to say for today. I'm very tired and I'm really needing to stitch. I just haven't had the energy.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

CQ Mag Online

The new issue of CQ Mag Online is now available! I haven't had time yet to read through all of the articles but it looks quite promising!

One article that I'm looking forward to reading when I get back from running errands is titled, "Following In The Footsteps Of Civil War Era Crazy Quilters" by Sandra Pearce. As you know, I have a fascination with the Civil War.

There are several book reviews including Pat Winter's Gatherings book, which is still on my wish list! And my own book, "Elegant Crazy Quilt Seam Treatments" reviewed by Allison Aller:

Elegant Crazy Quilt Seam Treatments

My book covers my own special technique of working crazy quilt seams with charted borders and a product called Waste Canvas. The results are perfectly sized and spaced stitches, everytime! If you visit my blog regularly, and have seen my crazyquilting, this is how I do it and you can too! It's quite easy to do and it takes the guess work out of creating perfect and accurate stitches. If you are interested in my book, you can find it here in my Etsy shop.
If you would like to see some of my crazy quilt pieces worked with my Waste Canvas technique, you can find them here at my Flickr site.

If you haven't seen my current & ongoing project, "The Button Quilt Blocks" can be found here.

Speaking of stitching, I was tired when I got home yesterday and just didn't have the energy to stitch so I did some reading instead. I hope to have more energy for stitching this afternoon. My father is still doing well. Thank you again for your positive thoughts and well wishes.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Button Block #20

I'm going back to my Button Quilt now. This block #20:

Button Block 20

I'm not sure if I'll have time to start on this today or not. My mom needs some help with a few things so I'll take care of that first and then see where I'm at with time.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


I did some sewing yesterday and finished up this little cellphone pouch that I made for my mom:

Orange Seascape Pouch

I took it over to her this morning and she absolutely loves it!

Julie asked me if I still sell my cellphone pouches. No, I won't be making any items to sell anymore. I am however, planning on offering classes on the art of crazy quilting out of my home eventually. It'll be a little while yet as I prefer to wait until we get our big house built.

I also finished up these little cat dolls yesterday:

Comfort Cat Dolls

These will go to Pat for The Comfort Doll Project. I'll mail them off to her later this week. I put some dried lavender in this batch! My whole living room smelled like lavender for the rest of the day yesterday!

I also thought you would enjoy seeing these cards that I made. I started them last week and finished them up the other day:

Handmade Cards

The little houses are one of my vintage embroidery transfer designs. I printed them on cardstock and then colored them by hand with colored pencils. Then I added glitter to the trees. You know how I am about glitter!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Seascape Cellphone Pouch

I finished up the embellishing on this yesterday during the ballgame:

Orange Seascape Pouch

I don't think I've ever done a seascape in these colors before.

I'm going to assemble this today along with the cat dolls that I made to send to Pat for the Comfort Doll project. I also plan to sew up a few new button blocks.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Seascape Cellphone Pouch For Mom

I started on this yesterday while watching the Cubs game:

Orange Seascape Pouch

I stitched until my husband came home from work and then we went up to see my dad. He's doing very well and looks much better every day now. Thank you again everyone, for sending positive thoughts his way!

Scott and I are heading out for breakfast and a flea market. I should be able to finish this up later today. It just needs some more beads and a few little fishies.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Orange Seascape Cellphone Pouch

My mom asked me if I would make her another cellphone pouch. I've only made one for her so far because she's never needed to use her cellphone too much but under the circumstances, she has it with her all the time now. She would like another one so she can alternate. I asked her how she felt about a seascape and she loved that idea so this is my next little project:

Orange Seascape Pouch

Using Heat & Bond, I first added one of my painted dryer sheets to a piece of muslin. Then I added some Angelina Fiber and a bit of pulled silk cocoon. This technically won't be crazy quilting but rather a mixed media project. I have a few things to take care of then I'll start adding some stitching and embellishments to this.

I was asked how to dry pansies in the microwave. It's actually quite simple. I laid out some pansies on a paper towel, covered them with another paper towel and put a heavy glass pot on top of them to weigh them down and keep them flat. Then I microwaved them for 1 minute on 50% power. I repeated that 2 more times and then removed the pot. Then I microwaved them for 30 seconds on 50% power another 2 or 3 times.

You can tell when they're done because the paper towel will be dry and you can only do a few seconds at a time or they will burn. They do keep their color well in the microwave. All microwaves are different so you'll have to experiment a little bit.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Button Block #19

It's been a busy and I must confess, an exhausting week! My dad is doing better. He's been moved to Rehab now and they had him walking a little bit yesterday. He starts Physical Therapy today. I won't be going up there today. I'm going to get my house in order and bake a batch of Chocolate Chip Cookies to take to my dad tomorrow when Scott & I go up there to see him. Yes, I am going to bake! I hope that doesn't tear a hole in the Universe or anything! Ha, ha, ha!

Anyway, my stitching, sewing & crafting time has obviously been at almost a stand-still but I did finish up on this button block the other day. I was able to catch Part 6 of John Adams on HBO so I took that time to park myself on my sofa and finish this one up:

Button Block 19

Certainly, I could stitch in the evenings, but I've been so tired after driving around all day, seeing to it that my mom has everything taken care of that she needs to and seeing my dad, that I just pretty much crash when I get home. When I can keep my eyes open, I just do some reading.

Anyway, things will balance out little by little. As I said, I'm getting some cleaning and straightening up done today, I'll make some cookies and then see if I feel like stitching.

Hang in here with me everyone.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Handmade Cards

First, I'd like to say thank you again for sending positive thoughts to my dad. He's doing well. They had him on his feet for a few minutes yesterday and then, while I was there, the Physical Therapist came and got him in the chair. And I'll admit, I felt better seeing my dad sitting in a chair!

I went to Borders the other day and bought him the John Adams book which was the basis of the HBO mini series that I'm following. My dad doesn't get excited about too much but that seemed to perk him up a bit. He's had his nose in a book for as far back as I can remember!

My mom is visually impaired and can't drive so my sister and I will be taking mom where she needs to go. I'm getting ready to pick mom up and take her to WalMart so she can get what she needs there.

The rest of the today then, will be a bit of down time for me. My dad will have plenty of visitors today so I'll go see him again tomorrow.

I thought I would share photos of a few cards that I made on Saturday. First are these pansy cards:

Cards Pansies

I dried some pansies in my microwave between 2 sheets of paper towels. Then I took a single layer of cheesecloth and ironed on a piece of Heat & Bond. I sprinked a bit of dried lavender on 1/2 of the cheesecloth, then arranged a few pansies and some leaves on it. I folded the other 1/2 of the cheesecloth over the top and bonded them together.

I tore one of my handpainted dryer sheets into strips, clued a piece of that onto the card. I took my pinking sheers and trimmed the edges of the cheesecloth and then glued that over the dryer sheet.

Of course you know, I like my glitter so I added a touch of that. I scanned these so now I have glitter all over my scanner! Ha, ha, ha!

I also made a set of cards using some of my button block images:

Cards Button Blocks

These aren't all that exciting but they are pretty. I'm not huge into papercrafts, it's just fun to experiment a little bit and do something a little different.

Well, I'm off to pick mom up and go to WalMart. When I get back, I'm going to relax and stitch.

Thank you again everyone, for keeping my dad in your thoughts.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Update On My Dad

Thank you everyone, for sending positive thoughts to my dad. He's doing fine. The surgery went well.

I'll be heading out to go see him in a little while.

Thank you again everyone!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Quick Update

I finished up on the blue Comfort Cat Doll on Saturday:

Comfort Cat 2

Sometime this week, I hope to get him and his little friend sewn up so I can mail them to Pat for The Comfort Doll Project.

I also started on another button block:

Button Block 19

On another note, I was wondering if you could ask you to send some positive thoughts to my father. He fell yesterday and broke his hip. I'm sure he'll be fine, but it's still a little scary. He's having surgery today to have some pins put in it. Any positive energy you could send his way would be much appreciated.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Comfort Cat Dolls

I stitched up this little one yesterday:

Comfort Cat

The fabrics on this one seemed so Summery to me! I decided to stitch it in Citrus colors.

Today, I'll stitch this one up:

Comfort Cat 2

This reminds me of ocean colors even though the closest I've come to seeing any significant body of water is only Lake Michigan! I may do this one as a seascape with some little fishy's.

After this cat, I'll go back to the button quilt for a bit. I'm also wanting a new purse! Which reminds me, I still have to show you my Spring purse! That one is done. I'll share that next week along with a quick tutorial on how to put it together with the handles.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Button Block #18 Completed

This one was a bit chaotic for me. I was quite disappointed when I finished up the stitching and beading. The stitching just didn't show up very well:

Button Block 18

It was also a challenge to decide on what buttons to use. I didn't want to hide or distract from the floral pattern in the Brocade (the center fabric) but I wanted to be sure that the buttons were a focal point due to the stitching not showing up well.

I decided to go with a few really bold buttons and that seamed to do the trick for this block. None of them are vintage or antique. They're all new plastic buttons but they do work nicely.

I'm going to take a little break from the Button Quilt and do a cat doll for the Comfort Doll Project. Actually, I usually like to send Pat 2 at a time so that's most likely what I'll do. I still have a pile of these cats sewn up and ready to stitch on. I did a ton of them before Christmas. I chose this one for now because it looks kind of Summery. We've had a ton of cloudy, dreary, rainy days lately so this one seemed cheerful:

Comfort Cat

These stitch up in a few hours so I do expect to complete him today.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Button Block #17

I wish I could tell you how much I enjoy stitching on this little button blocks:

Button Block 17

I'm completely lost in my own little world when I'm stitching on these! This one is complete now. The button in the bottom left is an antique hand-painted porcelain button. Victorian women used to buy blank porcelain buttons and then hand-paint them. Scott's mother bought me this button and it's one that I've been "saving". Again, there's no point in hiding it away in a box when I could be enjoying it's beauty so on the block it went!

Oh, can you find the little "Bluebird Of Happiness" on this block? He's near the top. Take a look and see if you can find him!

I started on this one last night and stitched on it a bit more this morning:

Button Block 18

My stitching doesn't show well so far. This will be remedied with beads and sequins. Like I need an excuse to add glitter!

If you're new to my blog, and you would like to see all of the button blocks that I've stitched so far, you can find them here on my Flickr site.

When this one is done, I'm thinking of doing another Comfort Cat Doll to send to Pat. I haven't sent her any for the Comfort Doll Project in quite awhile. They stitch up pretty quickly so perhaps I'll stitch 2.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Back To The Button Quilt

First, I would like to say thank you to those of you who took the time to comment on my April Take It Further Challenge block. I'm quite pleased with how it came out despite my struggles with it in the beginning.

I was asked what I plan to do with my Take It Further blocks. At the end of year, when all 12 are complete, I will be sewing them into a quilt. All of my blocks are 9 inches square so I thought I would do 3 blocks across and 4 blocks down. That of course, adds to my challenge. I have to make these work with each other and so far, I think I've done that. If you would like to see all 4 of the blocks that I've completed so far, you can find them here.

I was also asked what thread I used for the spiderweb on the April block. That thread is Kreinik #8 braid in a light orange color. When it comes to metallic threads, Kreinik is my personal preference.

Now that my April challenge piece is complete, I'm back to my button quilt. I finished up on this block yesterday:

Button Block 16

All of the buttons on this block are vintage glass buttons. If you would like to see all of the Button Blocks that I've done so far, you can find them all together here.

Once the red & gold block was completed, I started on this one:

Button Block 17

I'm seeing a bit of SRE on this!

I'm going to need another sewing day here soon. I received a lovely gift from a dear friend and fellow crazyquilter and it needs to be on this quilt. I'm going to sew up a special block specifically for showcasing it. It will definitely work with the other blocks, but I want to make sure that it stands out. It's a beautiful handpainted peacock. Ya'll know I love peococks! Stay tuned as you will know it when you see it!

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

April Take It Further Block Completed

After a little more beading and a few little do-dads, I have now completed my April Take It Further Challenge block:

April Take It Further Completed

Just to rehash this project, Sharon's concept for April is, "how do you see change?". Although I used to avoid it at all costs, I like to think now that I welcome it.

I've chosen for each month to work with both Sharon's concept and her color palette. The palette for April had a very Autumn/Winter feel to me. You can see it in the foundation fabrics of my block. Winter is one season I can live without! Since I completely welcome the change of Winter Into Spring, my personal challenge was to turn this block from that Autumn/Winter look, into a Spring/Summer look. My focal point is a butterfly which in my opinion, is the epitome of change. I strayed from the color palette with my threads intentionally.

Although I struggled with this block in the beginning, I do feel that I accomplished my mission and I am quite pleased with it.

In other news, I'm back to my Button Quilt for now:

Button Block 16

I expect to finish this one up later today. First, I have a few chores to take care of.

Monday, April 07, 2008

April Take It Further Challenge - Day 3

As you can see, I found a butterfly that works on this block:

April Take It Further Block

And I didn't even have to go beyond my own stash! I bought this pin at the last Flea Market we went to and completely forgot about it because I intended to use it on a purse. It's so perfect for this block, so I decided to just use it.

I expect to finish this one up later today. It needs a spider web, a little more beading and a few little "fill-in" do-dads.

This will be my next button block:

Button Block 16

I'm not sure if I'll get to starting on this today or not but if not, it's ready for tomorrow.

A few years back for Christmas, a friend of mine sent me this card of beautiful vintage Lacy Glass Buttons:

Vintage Lacy Glass Buttons

I could never bring myself to use these, although that was his intention. I pulled them out yesterday and they're so beautiful, it seems ashame to keep them wrapped up in quilt batting and sitting in the drawer. They aren't doing me or anyone else any good being hidden away. So, I've decided to use them on my Button Quilt. One of those red/gold buttons should work quite nicely on this cream colored block.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Take It Further April - Day 2

Yesterday morning, I looked at this block and almost decided to scrap it and start from scratch. I just wasn't happy with how it was turning out although I do love how it pieced up:

April Take It Further Block Day 2

When I came home from visiting with my sister, I looked at it again and a famous quote by Henry Ford popped into my head. He said, "Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, either way, you're right."

Then, one of my father-in-law's 'words of wisdom' came to me. "Can't never did nothin'!"

I decided to go with the flow and see what happened.

I grabbed my tin of Dyna-flo Dyes by Jacquard and painted those lace pieces. As you can see, that seemed to do the trick. It brought everything together and now I feel as if my mission to turn Autumn/Winter into Spring/Summer has been accomplished.

Judy asked me how to go about painting lace. It's actually quite simple. First, I use the Dyna-flo dyes (which are available at Michaels) because they come in small bottles and I only paint what I need each time. I never do a whole bunch at once.

Step 1 is to wet your lace. Lay it out on paper towels so the excess water is absorbed. After a minute or so, move the lace to dry paper towels. I like to mix several variations of colors. If you look closely at the Iris, you can see that there is some warm purple in there and some soft blue-purple. I just think this adds a more interesting look.

You'll want to water the dye down with a drop or 2 of water. Remember, you can add more color later if it comes out too light.

Because the lace is wet, it will pull the color in from the brush. Keep in mind too, that it will dry lighter than it looks when it's wet. Practice on a piece of cotton fabric first so you can see how the wet fabric absorbs the color from the brush.

Once the piece is done, you can let it air dry and then heat set it with your iron or you can iron it dry. Since I have nothing in the way of patience, I put my pieces in the microwave to dry. I start with 1 minute at 50% power. Then another minute at 50% power. Then I do 30 seconds at 50% power until it's dry. Textiles will burn, even in the microwave so it has be done a little at a time. And trust me, there is nothing that smells worse than burning lace!

Keep in mind too that natural fibers take the dye much better than synthetic fibers. Polyester is not a good choice for hand-painting with dye.

If you're wanting an old, antique look, you can add a bit of yellow and/or brown to your color. It's a matter of experimenting to get the look you want. Like I said, you can practice on a piece of plain cotton fabric to get a feel for it before you try it on your appliques.

Today, my goal is to find a butterfly that will show up on this block. I don't care if it's new or vintage but that's our quest for after breakfast.

Friday, April 04, 2008

April Take It Further Block - Day 1

I started stitching on this yesterday:

April Take It Further Block

I'm not any too thrilled with it so far. I'm sure some more stitching will help and I'll be painting the lace pieces as well. I didn't want to do that until I had some stitching on it. I just wasn't sure what colors to go with. I actually just pulled some Perle cottons in warm pastel colors thinking that those are the colors of Spring flowers. Stayed tuned to see where this goes.

I also have a bit of show & tell for you today. I made this little cellphone pouch for Kim who's birthday was Wednesday:

Hummingbird Cellphone Pouch

I bought the little hummingbird pin at a flea market last Summer. I've been saving it for a pouch for Kim.

I also made a few cards the other day. Commercial greeting cards are just too mushy and wordy for my tastes. I really prefer to just add a little hand-written note:

Cards 1

I tinted the images myself on my computer and then used some of these on CQ's awhile back.

I also made these:

Cards 2

As you can see, I got a little "artsy" on this set!

If you want to see closeups of anything, just click on the image to go to my Flickr site.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Button Block 15 & TIF April

I finished up on this one yesterday:

Button Block 15

The black buttons are Victorian glass buttons. I had an issue with the big one. I went to sew it on and found that the shank was missing. I was determined to use it!

I thought of 2 different options for attaching it to the block. First, I thought about gluing a piece of ultra suede to the back and then sewing that on. That seemed too time consuming though.

My next idea, and the one I used, was to sew on a plain boring button and then glue the glass button to it. I used E6000 Jewelry Glue and it worked perfectly!

Judy asked me about the fabric at the bottom with the shiny things on it. That fabric is the stuff with the sequins glued on. It comes in a ton of different colors and because I love my glitter, I have a bunch of it.

I haven't used it too often because my electric machine has a cow every time I do. Electric machines are pretty fast and I think the friction of the needle going through the fabric melts the sequins and gums up my needle.

The treadle machine is a bit slower and couldn't care less what it sews through! So you'll be seeing more of that in upcoming projects.

I'm going to take a break from the Button Crazy Quilt and do my Take It Further April block next:

April Take It Further Block

As I mentioned in my first post the other day, Sharon's concept is "How Do You Feel About Change?" Basically, do you welcome it or avoid it?

Well, I welcome it. As long as it isn't the change of Autumn to Winter!

As with all of my blocks for this project, I am working with both the concept and the color palette. When I saw the colors, I immediately though of Autumn/Winter. My intention will be to change this block into Spring. At this moment, I have no clue about how I'm going to do that!

I did decide that instead of a bird as a focal point, I'm going to use a butterfly. Butterflies are the epitome of change. They also represent "hope" and "freedom".

I went through my vintage jewelry pieces and I have some beautiful butterfly pins but they don't show up well on this block. Scott and I are going to see if we can find something usable this weekend.

Stay tuned. This one is a real challenge!

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Crazy Quilts By Cindy Brick

Scott and I made our weekly stop at Borders bookstore on Sunday and I found a new book on my favorite subject:

Crazy Quilts By Cindy Brick

Crazy Quilts By Cindy Brick is a wonderful reference tool if you're interested in the history of crazy quilting. It is well researched, well organized and well written. This book fills in the (unnoticeable) blanks found (rather, not found) in other books on the history of crazy quilting. Basically, there is more information here than in other CQ reference books.

There are many beautiful color photos of antique (and new) crazy quilts in this book, ones not seen in other books on the subject.

If you're interested in the history of crazy quilting, this is a great book for your collection.

Cindy also covers basic techniques for making a CQ but if technique is what you're interested in, I recommend The Magic Of Crazy Quilting by J. Marsha Michler.

Cindy's book is an absolute must have if history is your cup of tea! If you would like to visit Cindy's website, you can find it here.

And speaking of crazy quilting, here is my pink & black block:

Button Block 15

I'm going to go park myself in front of my Cubs game shortly and do the beading on it. I expect to finish this one up today and then I'll start my April Take It Further Challenge block.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Take It Further Challenge - April

As is the norm on the first of each month, Sharon B. released the concept and color palette for the Take It Further Challenge. The concept for April is "How Do You See Change?" Basically, is "change" welcome or avoided?

Until recently, I avoided change. I was set in my ways, very routine and regimented and I resisted it. Over the last couple of years though, I've come to welcome it. We can't avoid change. Every thought, every idea, every desire, every fear, every bit of information we gather and every observation we have contributes to change. We expand whether we want to or not. It's evolution and it's inevitable. It's the nature of reality.

That of course is "internal change". But our outer world is a reflection of our inner world. As above, so below. It's Manifest Destiny so to speak.

I have already chosen my theme based on Sharon's concept. The color palette that Sharon chose reminds me of the rusts and browns of Autumn and Winter (when there isn't any snow on the ground). Because I have come to welcome change, the title of my piece will be "Winter Into Spring".

As always, I will work with Sharon's color palette. This time I will use it only as the foundation for my block. My stitching will reflect the pastel colors of Spring as new life gradually emerges from the dark days of Winter.

For those of you who like to work with the color palette as well, here it is with the DMC Embroidery Floss #'s:

TIF April Palette

Please keep in mind that I matched these based on my monitor settings. All monitors are different. At first, that dark color looked like black to me. When I looked at it in my image software, I suspected that it was actually dark green. I let my computer figure that one out and yes indeed, it is a dark green.

I'll be treadling today. I want to get this block pieced up and ready to stitch. I haven't decided on a focal point yet. I'm thinking of bird, maybe a robin. I'm going to go through my vintage jewelry pieces and see what I have that I can use. If I don't have anything that will work, I may just embroider a robin on the block.

Stay tuned to see where this goes!

The Button Crazy Quilt Continues

I completed the stitching on this one yesterday while watching my Cubs game:

Button Block 14

The Cubs lost but this block is winner, isn't it? Don't you just love that giant button? It isn't old. It's a newer button but I like it. The borders are worked with 8.5 count Waste Canvas and #5 Perle Cotton.

I was asked if I did that piece of tatting at the top. No, that piece is vintage. I do tatting but prefer to use vintage pieces when I can.

This will be my next block:

Button Block 15

I have no idea yet, where this one is going to go. I thought about stitching it all in white. Then I thought it would be pretty worked in light greens. Time will tell I guess!

Autism Awareness Month

April is Autism Awareness Month. I offer several charted designs in my Etsy shop to help promote Autism Awareness:

Autism Awareness Flowers

All proceeds from these designs are donated to Our Children's Circle Autism Group.