
Wednesday, March 26, 2008

More Buttons & More Blocks

Well, ya'll knew a cat had show up on this quilt somewhere:

Button Block 11

As you can see, I turned the block. I liked the way the lace looked at the top. It also accommodated the cat button. He was the right color for this one so I went with it.

This will be my next block:

Button Block 12

I will be using my absolute most favorite button on here:

Pierrot And Pierrette Button

This came in a jar of buttons that I bought years ago. At the time, I had no idea it was collectible and worth a few dollars. Of course my mom always says, "nothing is worth anything if you aren't willing to sell it!" How true is that!

Anyway, I love buttons (apparently) and bought this book on Antique & Collectible Buttons by Debra Wisniewski a few years ago:

Button Book 2

My button is not in mint condition. It's a bit tarnished but I don't care. It's called Pierrot And Pierrette. It reminds me of the opera Carmen which was the first opera I ever saw in person. My mom and grandmother took me to see Carmen at the Opera House in downtown Chicago when I was about 8 years old. Since it reminds me of Carmen, I thought this button would work well on this black & red block.

Here is the button as it is pictured in the book:

Button Book 1

If you like buttons like I like buttons, you might want to check out that book. Even if you just like to look at pictures of buttons, this book is loaded with visual gems!


  1. Anonymous2:08 PM

    I can see why you want to use your special button in your latest quilt block. Red and black = Valentine's Day = Romance! Looking forward to seeing the finished block!

  2. That's a very cool the cat one, too.

    Those antique buttons can fetch quite a price. The last time we were in Portland at Josephine's I watched a woman pay $85 for just 1 button!

  3. What a neat thing to find your button in the book! It is a special looking button. I'm sure you've giving it a prominent spot in the block!


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