
Saturday, March 15, 2008

Button Block 3

These are so much fun!

Button Block 3

It's nice to have some almost instant gratification! That's not usually my focus but it is nice for a change.

The tatted lace is vintage. I do tatting, but I can't work with that thin tatting thread. I just end up with a big, fat kanoodle! Whenever I see vintage tatting, I just buy it. This came in a huge bagful that I found at a garage sale last Autumn for $5.00! And I'm talking a HUGE bagful of it! All different colors.

Anyway, Jo in NZ asked me if I had a layout planned. No, I have no plans at all for this project. All I know is when I get tired of stitching these little Button Blocks, I will sew them into a quilt. I may do 16 of them or I may do 100. I may just keep doing them until I run out of buttons! Although I have so many, that's not likely to happen!

No, these blocks are just for the sake of stitching. If I end up with more than I can use on one quilt, I'll just make two. One for me and one for my mom.

I did set up an album over at my Flickr site for the photos of these blocks. In case anyone wants to just look at the pictures, they'll all be in one place them. Just click on any of the photos to head over there.

This is my next block:

Button Block 4

I'll be stitching this one in plums and purples.

In other news, I released Part 3 of The First Robin Of Spring Counted Cross Stitch Mystery Stitch-Along this morning. I thought you would enjoy seeing Part 2:

Part 2 Image

It's still available if anyone is interested in stitching this project. You can find it here.

The 4th and final part, along with a complimentary "Thank you" design, will be released next Saturday, March 22nd.


  1. Hi Pam

    I'm having almost as much fun following your progression of button blocks as you are making them! They are very lovely. (So is your mystery design....I love robins!)

  2. Oh, my gosh, You have given me so many wonderful ideas for my memory quilt. I guess I'll have to get busy and do some.
    I agree this is really fun to watch what you are doing. June

  3. Anonymous11:50 PM

    I love your button blocks!!! The colors are gorgeous!


  4. Really enjoying following your button blocks, and this one is My favorite, thus far!!

  5. I love all your button blocks, your combination of stitches and the different ways you put them altogher is simply astounding. I particularly like the stitching conbinations on the pink one but they are all so good.


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