
Friday, February 01, 2008

Take It Further Challenge - February

Today is the 1st of February. On one hand, I am feeling terribly annoyed by the current weather conditions (I have so had my fill of snow for one season) and on the other hand, I'm excited because Sharon announced the concept and color palette for the February Take It Further Challenge!

Sharon's chosen concept for this month is "What Are You Old Enough To Remember?" At age 46, I am old enough to remember all sorts of interesting things. A regular joke between Scott and I, usually when the Direct TV bill comes, is that I remember when television and water were free! Ha, ha, ha!

Strangely though, as I was reading Sharon's post for today, the first thing that popped into my mind was the Apollo 13 Mission in 1970. Being that I was born in 1961, I can't image why that particular incident came to mind above all other things but it did so I decided to go with it.

At the time of the mission, I was only 9 years old so I don't remember having any opinions on it. I just remember it dominating the news for awhile. When the movie with Tom Hanks came out a few years back, I remember thinking that surely, there were "angels among them".

Since I will be sewing my 12 challenge blocks into a quilt at the end of the year, I had to think about how I'm going to tie them all together. Another challenge in and of itself for me! Certainly, a photo of the Apollo 13 rocket will not work with my January Victorian block:

January Take It Further Challenge Complete

However, my thoughts of angels watching over them while sitting through the movie reminded me of this image from my collection of Victorian clipart:

Angels Among Us

I will be using this image as the focal point for my February block but I haven't figure out yet how I'm going to get the Apollo 13 idea in there. Perhaps I'll embroider the words and date on the block or maybe, by the time I get it sewn up, I'll have figured out a better way to subtly convey my theme. Or maybe, the angels with the earth behind them, looking up at the moon are enough. All I know for sure at this moment is that this will give me the opportunity to use a ton of glitter on it! And ya'll know I love my glittery stuff!

Again, I will be also be working with Sharon's color palette:

February Palette DMC Floss Colors

I matched up the DMC floss colors to Sharon's palette, using both a printout and the image on my monitor. These are the closet matches I could get and I am quite pleased as they are pretty darn close! Please keep in mind that printers and monitors will vary in their color displays.

So, that's my plan for my February block. I would love to hear what ya'll think!

In other news, I had a few questions on my Sunflower Purse:

Sunflower Purse

I was asked how I attached the sunflower to the block. The answer is, I popped the center out of the sunflower, sewed the sunflower onto the block by hand and then glued the center back in place with E6000 Jewelry Glue.

I forgot to mention in my post yesterday that there is a little story behind this sunflower. If you remember, this purse is a custom order. The girl who ordered it asked for a burnt orange sunflower. Had I looked for one back in October when she asked me for this, I probably could have found one quite easily. But I was busy with gifts and other things at the time and knew I wouldn't get to this purse until January. By the time I went looking for a burnt orange sunflower, they had become elusive! So I bought the only color I could get and that was the traditional yellow color.

I knew at the time that I could paint it. It's just a silk sunflower so I pulled out my Lumier paints by Jacquard and I painted it with the copper color. It's not exactly burnt orange but at least it leans more towards what she wanted.

I was also asked if I would post a photo when I get it sewn up. Absolutely! I always post photos of my completed projects. Oh, and the little bee, which I hated to part with, is a vintage pin that I found at an antique shop back at Thanksgiving. I loved him but he worked perfectly on this purse so I used him. And the bee had to be there because the girl who ordered the purse is named Melissa. That name means, "Honey Bee".

Since it'll be a few days before I can sew up my February block, I'll start a small project to work on over the weekend:

Cathys Cat

Cathy D. was kind enough to agree to stitch up my ornament design for the 2008 Just Cross Stitch Ornament issue. My ornament for this year is a Biscornu and since I've never finished one and it has to be perfect, I asked Cathy if she would do the model for me. In exchange, Cathy asked if I would make her one of my little cat dolls in red so that will be my next project.

Finally, I'm pleased to tell you that my E-Book, "Elegant Crazy Quilt Seam Treatments" is complete!

Elegant Crazy Quilt Seam Treatments

The book contains 72 charted borders plus 9 charted Feather Stitch borders and complete directions for stitching perfectly sized and spaced crazy quilt seam treatments with Waste Canvas like I do.

I just have to upload the final pages and then when Allison Aller returns from her trip this week, she will review it for me, making sure my instructions are complete and clear and then I will release it.

I'm very, very excited about this book! So excited to be able share my technique and borders with other crazy quilters that I have already started work on Volume 2 which will be a supplement volume focusing mainly on more border designs.

Well, I guess that's it for today everyone!


  1. Just a quick thought about an image for the Apollo 13 mission. What about the mission badge (you can find it by doing an Google image search)? That might work.

  2. Love your angels! They will work so well with the lady, and I know you'll figure out a way to make it all work.

    I'm comin' along on the SAL and put a bit of it on my blog. Any hints on making the back side look as nice as the front? Ordinarily I don't have a problem but with all these colors....I think it looks kinda messy.

  3. You have shared so many thoughts and projects, all I can say is that your quilting is exquisite. Some of the most beautiful work I have seen, your are so very talented and have a supreme gift of design and color. I don'gt see how you can surpass the Jan. block, but I am sure you will. Impressive can't begin to describe what you have accomplislhed.

  4. Anonymous10:40 PM

    I remember Apollo 13 as well....

  5. I love your idea for the block, and I think the little angels are wonderful for it. Get the earth and moon in there, and it's perfect. Maybe a tiny charm of the Apollo vehicle. Not sure where you'd look for that. I know my boys always had the patches for the various space missions.

  6. BTW, congratulations on having the book totally ready to go!


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