
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Comfort Cats & Update On Floral "A" Block

I did some finishing yesterday on a few projects including these two little cat dolls for The Comfort Doll Project:

2 Cat Dolls

I don't know which one I love more! The yellow one is so bright and cheery but the green one so pretty with the purple embellishments! I'll package these up today and mail them to Pat later this week when I go to the Post Office again.

I also did some stitching yesterday on my Floral "A" block:

A Block

I tried every little appliqué I have and nothing seems to work to soften that hard corner at the bottom left of the "A". I have some ideas but want to do some more beading on the seam treatments before I start working on that area.


  1. When I have abrupt corners like that...especially when the values of the fabrics are so different..well, a fan always comes to my rescue! It changes the shape, and using thread values that are in between the two fabrics' values makes for a smoother transition.
    Just my two cents!
    Your stitching is superb, as usual...

  2. I'm not sure which one I like better either! :)

  3. Definitely like the green one best. =) The A block is looking great. I see what you mean about that corner, but have complete confidence that you will figure out something.


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