
Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Take It Further -January - Day 5 & Redwork Cats

I was able to use all 12 of my vintage dyed Mother Of Pearl buttons on this piece:


I really wanted to keep them all together so it worked out great!

I didn't get too carried away in beading the lace and trim. Because those pieces are antique, I wanted the beauty of those pieces to stand out. The vintage buttons and simple pearls seemed to be just enough to highlight the lace without overpowering it.

I'm almost ready for a few larger embellishments and I still want to add some pansies to the patch on the right of the tea lady.

In other news, the long awaited Redwork Cat designs are now available:

Redwork Cats

You can find them here.


  1. This is one of your best blocks EVER!
    The balance in it is exquisite, not to mention those lovely pearls on the lace, and as always, your stitching.
    Hope you are very happy with this one!

  2. Love your kitties! I am going have to succumb and get them....

    Your block is so beautiful. Each addition is just perfect!

    Have you shared somewhere how to print a picture like you did with the lady?

  3. Anonymous3:40 PM

    I love how this block turned out, and totally agree with Allison. It's one of your best!!! I love all the lace!


  4. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Hi... i am a 10 year old, girl. I have a cat named Midnight. I know your probably asking "whys a 10 year old on this site?" To explain the story i was looking for a site where there are kid friendly games and activities and more. But instead i found this. Don't take that the way i said it but yeah... i did find this soo. Uh i have an idea though, if you have anytime would you mind putting some kid friendly fun games on this here website? If so i will tell my friends about the website and they can play the games too. Not to be harsh or anything but if i don't like the games i might not tell my friends sooo... Also can you put printables on the website too! I would thank you if you did this! Please do so. Oh yeah i go by Ccuppiey on the internet as a nickname. Don't ask how i got it. Sound out for Ccuppiey:
    ( cup-py or cuppy.)
    Thanks and please send me an e-mail at
    PS i only liked one desingn i saw. I just may tell you the design i liked if you e-mail me back. Please and thank you!
    Bye, Ccuppiey

  5. Absolutely beautiful.


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