
Monday, January 28, 2008

Give Away

First, I thought you would enjoy seeing an update on the Sunflower Purse:

Sunflower Purse

I finished beading all of the seam treatments which I mentioned last week are from my upcoming E-Book, "Elegant Crazy Quilt Seam Treatments" Volume One.

The daisy trim was just too bright for my tastes so I dyed it. And it came out a bit darker than I had wanted it to. There are no mistakes in crazyquilting though. For everything that doesn't come out quite right, there is a way to fix it. As you can see, I added bright flower sequins to the daisy centers and now, it works perfectly with the rest of the block.

The big sunflower in the center will go on next. That didn't work out quite the way I had planned either but again, I think I have that problem solved. I'll explain more once I get it sewn onto the block.

In the meantime, I have another cross stitch magazine that I would like to give away. It's the February, 2008 issue of The Cross Stitcher:

TCS Magazine

I will send this off to the first person who leaves a message for me in the comment section requesting it. US Residents only please!

For today, I'll be running my sewing machine. I want to sew up the couple of little Valentine gifts that I made so I expect to have a few finishes to share with you soon.


  1. I would love to have the magazine.
    Lovely piece you just finished.

  2. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Pam, oh darn, too late. I do want you to know though, I do so enjoy your blog. Debbie

  3. Me too, late again. :))

  4. Would like magazine, but see I'm too late. I have First part in Mystery Valentine done & ready to start part 2. Thanks it's really pretty. Jenny Singer


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