
Monday, December 31, 2007

New Year's Eve

Happy New Years 2

First, I want to wish everyone a Happy and Safe New Year's Eve. I know our friends in Australia and New Zealand are already celebrating the New Year so Happy New Year those of you who have already changed calendars! I believe it's Summer there as well!

I started stitching this little ornament on Saturday:

Kitten Ornament

I don't know what I was thinking when I did that Feather Stitch. Instead of stopping at the seam, I just kept on going! Guess I was into it!

There's no mistakes with Crazy Quilting so although it looks a little funny to me, I already have a plan for making it less conspicuous.

I'm not sure if I'll do any stitching later or not. Scott and I are going to go see National Treasure the afternoon and then have an early dinner. When we get home, I may stitch or I may read. Not sure yet. It depends on what's on television! I'm not much of a party girl and midnight is way past my bedtime so the New Year for me, will come without much notice on my part!

Have a safe holiday everyone!


  1. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Happy New Year to you Pam!

    Stay creative - I'm sure you will ;-)


  2. I love the seam going across that way! I balances the lace across the top. Perfect!

  3. Anonymous10:46 PM

    Happy New Year Pam! Looking forward to seeing what's in store for you next year.


  4. DS and I saw National Treasure this afternoon, too. Did y'all enjoy it? We did!

    Happy New Year to you, Pam!


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