
Tuesday, December 04, 2007

More Finishes

I am all caught up on finishing now! I sewed up this little custom cellphone pouch yesterday:

Black Neck Pouch

I love making these! And those little crocheted beaded fringes that my mom makes for me are the perfect finishing touch!

I also finished up this tote bag for my mother in law for her birthday which ironically, is the same day as mine, Christmas Eve:

Car Tote Bag

Heaven help me though, I don't know what I was thinking when I decided to use Panne Velvet on the back and as borders. It's stretchy fabric and although I used some iron-on interfacing on the back of it, it still wanted to shift on me and it made me insane! My personal preference is Velveteen. The only colors I can find it in are black, emerald green and cranberry. Do they make it in brown? If any one comes across some brown Velveteen, would you please pick some up for me? I will pay for the fabric and the postage!

Anyway, those are my photos for the day. I did start on the Blizzard purse but I didn't get very far on that so I'll post an update on it tomorrow.


  1. wow.. u r soo pro!!!
    cant sew to save my life,your work sure is AWESOME.. i do have a blackwork cat (pattern of yours) thats in a little tuck pillow (which i didnt make ;-)
    thanks for coming around my blog and posting

  2. I love these and have admired your work on Flickr. I want to make some of these after i recover from my basal cell surgery Friday--thought this might come in my 50's or 60's but no. I'll be 45 in January. Not looking forward to this surgery.

  3. Both of these are so gorgeous. I'll go to Etsy right now. Thanks!


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