
Friday, November 16, 2007

Snowman Cellphone Pouch

I embellished this little guy yesterday and now he's ready for assembling:

Winter Cellphone Pouch

Is this too cute, or what?!!! It's very glittery!!!!

Today is a sewing day so hopefully I'll have him ready to give to my mother in law shortly.

In other news, several weeks ago, I mentioned that there was something I was wanting. Can anyone remember what it was? Would love to see who remembers so at this point, I won't tell you what it is but I will say, that I found one! It's in Iowa so tomorrow morning, we'll hop in our truck and drive 3 hours southwest to pick it up. On the way back, we're going to meet with my in laws for lunch and a nice walk through a huge antique mall!

I won't have time to post tomorrow but I'll have pictures of my new toy for you either on Sunday or Monday.

On a final note, I just have to mention this or it's going to bug me the rest of the day. It's getting to be absolutely ridiculous what we designers have to do to protect our designs! And I'm mentioning this for those of you who know exactly what I'm speaking of! With the generous amount of free designs that I am constantly giving away, there is absolutely no reason to steal the ones that I offer for purchase! And please keep in mind that what goes around, comes back around eventually!

Have a good day everyone and post your guesses on my new toy in the comment section!


  1. You found a sewing mint condition? That's fantastic!

    My MIL owned one in great was the kind, you had to pump with your foot? Anyway, it broke a few years back, a small piece inside broke..and the repairman told her, he would have to replace it with a plastic piece..and it wouldn't be considered "Authentic" if he she never had it repaired..

  2. you found a machine? cool...

    I inherited my grandmothers treadle machine and it is in very bad shape, at least the cabinet is.. I hope to refinish it next spring / summer...

    what part of Iowa are you going to? just curious.. :)


  3. a sewing machine...of the old Singer type? Lucky you! My gramdma had one and when I was little she used to let me peddle it. I thought I was SUCH a big girl!! Looking back now, I realize she must have had the foresight to unthread it first. WOnder where it went....

  4. You are going to have a great day tomorrow, all the way around! I can hardly wait to see a picture of your new baby. =)

  5. You're right, he's a cutie. I love him.

    I hope when you get there it's the right machine. Have agood day.


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