
Friday, November 30, 2007


I decided to do finishing yesterday. I get a little crazy when my "needs finishing" pile starts to stack up too high!

The first project I did was this little Santa Ornament that I stitched up over the weekend:

Old Santa Ornament

He's very glittery!

Then, I did my little "Smiling Snowman" ornament:

Blackwork Snowman

I haven't decided yet if I want to put the tree up this year or not. If I don't, I'll hang this guy on a doorknob. This is one of my designs so if anyone is interested in the pattern, you can find him and his little friend over at my Etsy shop.

Next, I did these two little embroidered pieces:


Bonnet Girl

These are 2 of my favorite vintage embroidery designs. The poodle is a Vogart pattern and I believe the bonnet girl is an Aunt Marthas transfer. I've stitched each of these at least 3 times now!

Anyway, I did these a while back and finally sewed them up yesterday. They will go to Pat for the Comfort Doll project along with the Blackwork Cat doll that I did last week. I'll mail them off to Pat tomorrow.

Once I got all that sewing done and the hand-work completed, I started on the Purple Cat Doll:

Cat Doll Purple

I'm sure I'll get him finished up later today. Tomorrow I'll sew up the last 3 cats that I stitched and I expect to them in the shop on Sunday. As I mentioned last week, I received several emails asking me if I would consider making up a few cats for purchase. So that's what these are for.

Today, I'll be doing a bit more finishing and then sewing up a few new blocks. I just can't imagine life without a sewing machine! And speaking of sewing machines, Scott told me that he'll be putting the cabinet for my antique machine back together this weekend. I picked the machine up from the Singer man yesterday so I expect to have photos for you very soon!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Burgandy Cat Doll

Well, I stitched up the burgandy cat yesterday:

Cat Doll Cranberry

Later today, I'll stitch up the purple cat.

In the meantime, I feel like playing! Can't decide if I should do some finishing or if I should piece some blocks. In fact, I've had a few emails lately asking me if I would do some more pre-sewn block kits. Yes, I will sew some up over the next few days and put them together with some lace and some silk ribbon.

I also wanted to mention that I was in WalMart this morning and they have all of their DMC Embroidery Floss marked down to 10 cents per skein. WalMart is no longer going to carry DMC Floss. What's up with that? Not that I need any but I'm sure for many of you, it was a convenient place to get to it. Anyway, just thought I'd mentioned it here for those of you who live close to a WalMart. 10 cents a skein is a good price!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

No Stitching

I worked later than I had planned on yesterday and after doing laundry and a few other little chores, I curled up on the soft with a book and read until Scott got home from work.

I did however, pick out a piece of lace for the burgandy cat:

Cat Doll Cranberry

I have so much lace but had a hard time finding a piece in that natural color that worked well on this cat. I can't remember if this piece is vintage or not. I think it is.

I have a bit of paperwork to do here but when I finish that up, I will be stitching the rest of the day. If I complete the burgandy cat, I'll start on this one:

Cat Doll Purple

I guess that's it for today. Not a very exciting post. Sorry about that. Tomorrow should be more interesting!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Small Projects

I had quite a bit of stitching time yesterday. I finished up the stitching on this little Santa ornament:

Old Santa Ornament

When I completed that, I started on this little cat doll:

Cat Doll Blue

I'm sure I'll get this one finished up later today and then I'll start on another one. As I mentioned yesterday, I was asked if I would do a couple of these for purchase. I'll do 3 for now as that's what I have sewn up. I hope to get a couple of sewing days in later this week. I have some finishing to do and I want to make some more of the cats to send to Pat as well.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

2007 Christmas Mystery Revealed!

Good Morning Everyone!

For those of you who didn't join in on the Christmas Mystery Stitch-Along Project but have read my constant chatter about it, I thought you would enjoy seeing a photo of the entire design. Part 4 was released yesterday so that completes and reveals the mystery:

Christmas Mystery 2007

This design will remain available in my Etsy shop. It will arrive via USPS as a large print, easy to read b/w paper pattern.

My next mystery design is complete and will be the 2008 Valentine Mystery Stitch-Along:

2008 Valentine Mystery Stitch-Along

Sign up will start next week. If you're interested in joining in on that project, please keep an eye on my blog here for more details in the coming days.

On a final note, I'm re-releasing some of the past mystery projects. There are few I think that weren't available on my website so as I have time, I'll add those to my Etsy shop. Please keep an eye out for them.

Ok, I'm off to straighten up the house a bit and get the turkey ready to put into the oven! Have a great day everyone and Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Finally, Some Pictures For You!

Yesterday was so annoying! I was getting disconnected every 5 minutes and when I was able to stay online, I kept getting "timed out"! But I was finally able to get my pictures uploaded to my Flickr site last night. I thought I'd better get to blogging now before the internet gets busy again! It must be because there's no school this week. At least here there isn't any school this week! Argggg........

Here is the little Snowman Cellphone Pouch that I made for my mother-in-law:

Winter Cellphone Pouch

I gave this her on Saturday when we saw her in Princeton, Il. She loved it! She immediately took off her Autumn pouch and put this one on!

I also finished my Christmas Tree Purse:

Christmas Purse

I can't wait to use this! But I'm saving it for December 1st!

In other news, I called Singer yesterday and they were able to give the exact date that my antique sewing machine was made. May 3, 1916 in Elizabeth, NJ! How cool is that?!!! And she told me that if I need a manual, I can download it from their website. That was the only thing missing from this machine so I downloaded it and printed it up. All the original attachments that came with the machine are here including the original wooden needlecase and the oil can!

Scott is almost done with striping the cabinet. He said this is one the easiest pieces he's ever done! On Friday, I'll take the machine to the sewing machine man and have him clean it inside and make sure it's mechanically in order. When we get it all done and put back together, my mom is going to come and show me how to treadle! I can't wait!!! At first she thought I was crazy wanting a treadle machine. She learned how to sew on a treadle and much prefers electric machines now but I think she finally understands how charming I think antique sewing machines are! And not only are they functional, but old stuff has visual appeal as well! My sister always says, "you and that moldy, oldy stuff!" Yep, I love old stuff! It's all so cool to look at! I plan to piece my CQ's on it and then do the finishing on my electric machine.

Finally, Sharon B. is thinking about her next "challenge project". She proposed a monthly project where everyone could work in their own medium and form. For me, I would do a CQ block per month and at the end, I would have 12 blocks to sew into a quilt. I love this idea!!! If you would like to read more of Sharon's thoughts on this project, hop over to her website.

Ok, I'm off to clean my house a bit and get ready for Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 19, 2007


The internet is slower than molasses in the Winter today! I keep getting disconnected and timed out and I can't get photos to upload to Flickr to save my life! I have no patience for this!

I finished up my Christmas purse and that little snowman cellphone pouch and I have photos but they won't go through today. I'll wait a little while and try again. It's just so aggravating!

Thank you to everyone who posted nice comments about my sewing machine. I'm so thrilled with it! Scott is almost done striping the old finish off the cabinet. I really didn't expect him to do this. I thought it was fine the way it was although I'll admit, I really don't like dark wood. The cabinet is Tiger Oak with the most beautiful grain so I'm very grateful that he's willing to refinish it for me. He won't stain it, he'll just get it all cleaned up and he'll put clear finish on it so it'll be that nice light oak color and the tiger stripes will really pop out!

Ok, when I can get those photos to upload, I'll post them here.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

My New Toy!

For those of you who guessed that I bought an antique treadle sewing machine, yes! You guessed correctly. I'm sure you remember that I mentioned it a few weeks back. We've been looking for quite some time and I finally found what I wanted on Ebay. The pictures are blurry and no, Scott took them, not me:

Antique Singer

Antique Singer 2

This is a 1916 Model 66 with the Redeye decal. I can call Singer with the serial number tomorrow and they will tell me the exact date that this machine was made. I can also order a manual for it directly from Singer!

Anyway, I'll have more photos for you in a week or two. I never expected him to do this but Scott spent 4 hours this morning cleaning the outside of the machine and it is so bright & shiny now! The decals just pop! Then he ran to Home Depot and is now in the process of striping all the old finish off of the cabinet. He insisted on refinishing it for me. I was just happy to have one, I never expected him to refinish it! And I was happy that he was willing to drive to Iowa for it!

Anyway, I'm going to take the machine up to my Singer guy and have him clean it mechanically and I have to get a belt for it and then I can play! When it's all done and back together, I'll have more photos for you. I just thought you'd like to see my new toy.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Snowman Cellphone Pouch

I embellished this little guy yesterday and now he's ready for assembling:

Winter Cellphone Pouch

Is this too cute, or what?!!! It's very glittery!!!!

Today is a sewing day so hopefully I'll have him ready to give to my mother in law shortly.

In other news, several weeks ago, I mentioned that there was something I was wanting. Can anyone remember what it was? Would love to see who remembers so at this point, I won't tell you what it is but I will say, that I found one! It's in Iowa so tomorrow morning, we'll hop in our truck and drive 3 hours southwest to pick it up. On the way back, we're going to meet with my in laws for lunch and a nice walk through a huge antique mall!

I won't have time to post tomorrow but I'll have pictures of my new toy for you either on Sunday or Monday.

On a final note, I just have to mention this or it's going to bug me the rest of the day. It's getting to be absolutely ridiculous what we designers have to do to protect our designs! And I'm mentioning this for those of you who know exactly what I'm speaking of! With the generous amount of free designs that I am constantly giving away, there is absolutely no reason to steal the ones that I offer for purchase! And please keep in mind that what goes around, comes back around eventually!

Have a good day everyone and post your guesses on my new toy in the comment section!

Thursday, November 15, 2007


You all know I love it! Well, I wanted this little snowman to look like he was sitting in snow. After I did all the seams, I pulled out my fabric glue and my chunky glitter and I glued some on:

Winter Cellphone Pouch

I couldn't go any further because I had to let this dry over night so now it's ready for beads and sequins, lots more glitter!

Louanne had asked me about my cellphone pouches and if I've ever made any without the cord or chain on them. I always use chain. Everyone who has them actually wears them around their necks like a pendant. In fact, my mother in law probably couldn't even find her cellphone if it wasn't for these pouches that I make her! I cut the chain about 30 inches long, so that's 15 inches from the back of the neck. That's about perfect for a pendant.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Cats & Cellphone Pouches

I finished up the stitching on this little Comfort Cat Doll yesterday:

Tan Cat

I'd like to get one more of these stitched up soon and then I'll have two to send to Pat.

I was asked on several occasions, where I found my cat pattern. Actually, I designed it myself for the Comfort Doll Project. I have also been asked if I could consider selling the pattern. No, I prefer to keep this one for my own projects. I know that probably sounds kind of funny considering all the complimentary patterns that I post here but this one is special to me. When I have some free time, I'll look around online and see if I can find a nice complimentary cat pattern and I'll post the link here.

In the meantime, my next project will be this little Winter themed cellphone pouch:

Winter Cellphone Pouch

This is a gift for my mother in law. I make her one every couple of months. The little snowman pin I bought the other day will go in the center. This should be a fun project because it's suitable for loads of sparkly sequins! I love glitter! In case I haven't mentioned that before!!!

In other news, hop over to Allison's blog and see what she did with my little Alice Brooks Rose pattern that I posted the other day. Fun project and a nice visual effect!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Flea Market Finds

Well, I didn't get to stitching yesterday like I had planned. I worked later than I wanted to, trying to meet a deadline and I was a little tired when I finished up so I grabbed my book and curled up on the sofa until Scott came home.

Before dinner, we ran up to Michaels to get some handles for my Christmas tree purse. I'd like to get that sewn up on Friday along with a few other things that need finishing.

In the meantime, I thought you would enjoy seeing my goody's from the Flea Market this past Sunday:

Flea Market Finds

As you can see, I found some pretty vintage trim, some gorgeous vintage millinery flowers and loads of pins! A few are vintage and some are newer. The snowman is obviously new. It's for the Winter themed cellphone pouch that I want to make for my mother in law. I wanted a vintage rhinestone snowman but we couldn't find any so I bought this one. He's very cute and should work nicely. I'll stitch that up after I finish my current comfort cat doll.

Be sure to check out that little umbrella pin. It's just too cute!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Kitty And Me Domain Name

In case you arrived here via "", my domain name now points directly to this blog. The old Kitty & Me website is gone. I decided to do this because this is where I am. I post here almost daily, sharing my personal stitching, my own complimentary patterns, a small selection of antique and vintage patterns that I collect as well as tips & tricks for sewing, finishing, stitching and many other things that catch my attention.

All Kitty & Me news is posted here as I receive it

My email address remains the same and if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.

You may also notice at the moment that my pagetopper and avatar are missing. I'm sure they will return shortly.

Blackwork Comfort Cat & Flea Market Finds

We went to a flea market yesterday morning and despite being a bit chilly, it was so very nice! Lots of new dealers that I haven't seen before! I had no idea there was so much vintage Christmas stuff still available! Most of it was indoors which helped with the chill outside. I found loads of vintage pins, all reasonably priced so I bought quite a few of them. I'll try to remember to take a photo when I have my camera out. At the moment, I have them laying on my table in the kitchen. Most have have rhinestones in them so they're very sparkly. Ya'll know I like my glitter!

I also found another vintage embroidery transfer. This is an Alice Brooks mail-away pattern for an apron and then the transfers for embroidery. I thought you would enjoy having one as this would be perfect for a crazy quilt project:

Alice Brooks Rose

Click on the image to go to my Flickr site where you can download the large version.

When we got home, we decided that we had to go outside and clean up the yard a bit. I really dislike raking leaves! But I guess it's better than shoveling snow!

I'm still reading my books but I did start the stitching on this little comfort cat doll yesterday:

Tan Cat

I'll start adding beads and sequins to this later today.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

4 Seasons Blackwork Biscornus

I'm posting quite late today! I was trying to get the graphic work ready on these new designs:

4 Season Blackwork Biscornus

I was asked recently if I'd ever consider doing some Biscornu designs in Blackwork. Well, many of you know that I adore Blackwork so it was quite doable for me!

The designs are based on traditional Elizabethan motifs. There is one for each season. I don't include directions for finishing into Biscornu's. Those directions are available as online tutorials with a quick Google search.

You can find these in my Etsy shop.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Vintage Embroidery Design - Cornucopia

Again, when I finished up on my computer yesterday, I curled up in my chair with my books and just read until Scott came home from work. I'm eager to get to some more stitching but it feels so good to just sit and read too.

So, since I don't have any stitching to share again today, I thought I would offer you another pattern from my extensive collection of vintage iron-on embroidery transfers:

Cornucopia Embroidery Design

Again, I chose this one because it's appropriate for the current season. This came from a pack of Artex Transfers. This would be lovely worked all in red (Redwork), or Crayon Tinted and then embroidered. See yesterday's post for the link to my Crayon Tinting tutorial.

Kris asked me if crayon tinting was washable. Yes, it is but only to a certain extent. Today's crayons don't contain as much pigment as they did back in the early 20th century so I wouldn't use it on something that would be washed constantly but a few washings should be ok. If you intend to do it on something that you want to wash, be sure to make your coloring quite heavy and heat-set it well with your iron.

In other news, I want to mention to my Christmas Mystery stitcher's, that Part 2 will be uploaded tomorrow morning around 6:30 a.m. Central time. Use the link that I sent to you last week to access the Christmas Mystery album on my Flickr site. If you need me to resend the link to you, just drop me an email and I'll get that out right away.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Flea Market Find

In Sunday's post, I mentioned that we were heading out to a flea market that day. It didn't turn to be terribly grand but I did find a huge pack of vintage embroidery transfers:

Transfer Pack

These are from the Superior Transfer Company. It isn't marked Superior but it has the iron on it which is their logo. Anyway, this pack is complete with only 2 sheets cut but all pieces are here and none of these are in my collection! A really nice find!

I don't have any stitching to share with you today. I bought a few books over the weekend so I curled up in my chair yesterday afternoon and just read until Dancing With The Stars came on. I love that show!

Anyway, I thought you would enjoy having one of the patterns from my new "vintage transfer" pack:

Transfer Fruit Basket

Being that it's Harvest Time and that Thanksgiving is coming up, this one seems to be a nice choice. Click on the image to go to my Flickr site where you can view and print the large version. I use a lightbox but you can tape it to a window and then using a washout blue pen, trace the design onto muslin or quilter's cotton. This pattern would be great for Crayon Tinting!

Enjoy everyone!

Quick note: here's the link to the Crayon Tinting Tutorial that I wrote last Summer.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Smiling Snowman Completed

Boy, that time change sure messes up my inner clock! We've been up since 3:30! Anyway, I finished up the stitching my little Smiling Snowman:

Smiling Snowman

My intention was to sew him up into a little doorknocker/ornament and send him to Pat for The Comfort Doll Project but guess what? I love him so much, I can't part with him! I've decided to keep him for myself so I'll just have to make some more cat dolls!

I'm going to add a little ribbon bow with a jingle bell or a snowflake button. I'll do that when I sew him up and I'll share a final photo then.

If anyone wants to stitch him, the pattern can found in my Etsy shop. You'll get the pattern for this little guy and his companion.

We're heading out to a flea market this morning and I plan to relax for today when we get back. I'll just sit and read later. My next project will be another cat doll so I'll share that block with you tomorrow.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Christmas Mystery Update - Spam Filters

Everyone, the mystery invitation has been sent. So far, I've had 3 stitchers email me saying that they didn't receive their invitation. I'm wondering if Spam filters are getting in the way. That's actually pretty good to be honest! With past mysteries, I had a dozen or more that either didn't go through and got lost in cyberspace or they just kept coming back to me!

The invitation will probably say "Flickr" somewhere in the subject line. Please don't delete that! It's your link to the mystery!

I'm heading out to stitch but I'll check my email again in little while.

Christmas Tree Purse - Stitching Complete!

I only had about 6 groups of Trick Or Treaters yesterday. Fine with me. That gave me plenty of time to finish my Christmas purse without too many interuptions:

Christmas Tree Purse

My husband was kind of funny the other day. I had just finished adding the beads & sequins to the flower applique on the left when he came in from mowing lawn, looked at it and said to me, "I knew you couldn't leave that poinsettia flower alone!" Ha, ha, ha! He's too funny!

Anyway, the little packages under the tree are for card making and small mini projects. They're styrofoam wrapped with foil. I bought mine at WalMart last year. Because they're styrofoam, the needle goes right through them! Like I said the other day, if I can sew it on, I will sew it on!
And speaking of sewing, I'll get this assembled as soon as I can. I want it ready to use by December 1st. I have to get up to Michaels this weekend and see what kind of handles and foo-foo fringe they have. I'd love to find foo-foo fringe in dark green! Red would work too but I'd prefer green.

Ok so on to my next project. Ever since I designed these sweet little snowman faces last week, they have been screaming at me to stitch one:

Smiling Blackwork Snowmen

Most of you know that I spend most of stitching time doing CQ and some outline embroidery with my vintage transfer collection. It's been a very long time since I've done charted stitching but I just love these guys.

I decided to stitch one up and make it into a doorknocker/ornament and send it to Pat for the Comfort Doll project. With the holidays coming, it should bring some extra cheer to someone in need of comfort. And besides, who doesn't like a sweet little snowman?!!!!

So later today, I'll pull some fabric and the thread colors and I'll start stitching. After that, I'll probably work up another cat doll.