
Friday, August 17, 2007

Autumn Cellphone Pouch - Stitching Complete

First, I know you've all seen hand-dyed ribbons before but they're just so yummy, I wanted you show you my latest batch:


Looking at the photo, I just realized that I didn't do any orange this time. I guess I didn't think about it because I don't use a lot of orange in my stitching. It's nice to have on hand though, so I'll do some orange next time around.

I finished the stitching on my Autumn Cellphone Pouch last night:

Autumn Cellphone Pouch

I'll put it together over the weekend and get it ready to send to Margaret.

For today, I'll be sewing up a storm! One of my favorite things to do is to just sew up blocks. I really enjoy foundation piecing and playing with all my fabric! Now if I could only stitch them as fast as I can sew them up!

More tomorrow.....


  1. That little pouch is going to be yummy as always Pam.

  2. The ribbons are yummy. I can't tell from the two pictures what makes these so different from the ones you didn't like, though. Maybe if I could see them in real life, I would be able to tell.

    The cellphone pouch is wonderfully fall-ish, and the spider is fantabulous. I'm glad you had a happy sewing day!


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