
Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Repairing The Past

I brought my quilt stand down from the guest room and laid my 2 antique crazy quilt projects on it. Both have that funky "old" smell. Since they can't be washed or dry cleaned, the only way to get rid of that is to let them air out.

Quilt Stand

Every day, I will refold them and eventually that smell will dissipate. I also thought this would be a good way to store them while I work on them. I'll probably work on them at the same time. I also felt that it would be good to have them near me while I do other things. I'm already getting a good "feel" for them. It's an energy thing.

Right now, I so much wish I owned a copy of the Crazy Quilt book by Penny McMorris. I had hoped to find one at the flea market this past weekend. Instead, I found a quilt! Hmmmm..... If I focus on the quilt now, do you think I'll manifest the book? Ha, ha, ha!

I looked around for it online yesterday and found several available copies but quite honestly, there isn't a book on this planet that I'm willing to spend $75.00 on. So I will exercise patience here and eventually I'm sure I'll find a copy at a flea market or garage sale for the price that I'm willing to pay.

In the meantime, I'll focus on the reference books that I do have which are The Crazy Quilt Handbook by Judith Montano and The Magic Of Crazy Quilting by J. Marsha Mitchler. Both books contain photos of beautiful antique crazy quilts.

The reason I'm in need of seeing photos of antique quilts is because I was asked to further embellish my commission piece. I really feel that I should stay with traditional motifs and colors. I know the owner wants more beads on it which isn't a problem. I can use them as flower centers and butterfly bodies.

I was chatting with June R. yesterday in email and she asked me what I was going to do about fabrics for the patches that I have to replace. Excellent question!

I searched at Ebay for vintage velvets and other fabrics and didn't really see anything suitable for these projects. I have a fabric stash that is beyond explanation so in some cases, I will be able to use some of what I have. I may be able to "antique" some of them with fabric dye but many fancy fabrics these days have synthetic fibers in them and therefore won't hold the dye.

Scott and I will be visiting some antique stores this coming weekend so I plan to keep my eyes open for some old fabrics and one other idea that popped into my head yesterday was to look for a "cutter crazy quilt". One that is beyond repair but that may have some good areas where I can take the fabrics off and use them to replace rotted patches on the 2 quilts that I have here.

Kim left a comment for me mentioning that she's never seen buttons on any antique crazy quilts. I haven't either. That doesn't mean that there aren't quilts out there with buttons on them, I just haven't see any. Most likely, it's a contemporary thing.

In closing this post, I'd like to take a moment to thank Sue in Western WA for reminding me that the dated silk thingy's on my quilt are called Souvenir Ribbons! My mom told me that on Sunday but somehow it slipped from my brain, never to return! Thank you Sue for reminding me!


  1. Anonymous11:10 AM

    I believe the woman's name is Christine Dodd (who did the crazy quilt for the movie "How to Make an American Quilt")? Anyway, her book shows MANY pictures of antique crazy quilts if that would be another source of inspiration for you.

    Cris in MT

  2. Thank you Cris! I'll see if I can find that one. Thank you so much!


  3. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Googled and feel like a fool! The woman's name is really Christine Dabbs. And if you don't find it, I have it.

    Cris in MT

  4. Anonymous12:12 AM

    zhyrbzwHi there Pam,
    I am a friend of G from Patra's Place... I often 'lurk' by your blog and marvel at your stitching... Guess what my daughter borrowed for me from her local libray way over here in Australia - yep you guessed it the very book you lust after... It has made very interesting reading over my lunch breaks... You look like you have some challenging work ahead of you...

  5. Good luck with your hunt for Penny McMorris's book I have been serching for 10 years for a reasonably priced copy! -and have almost given up ...


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