
Thursday, May 10, 2007

Embellishing Mozart

The Mozart Journey is well under way now! So far, I'm pleased with what I've done:

Mozart Crazy Quilt Purse

I trimmed the antique metallic gold lace down by about 1/2 an inch. I then painted the rose appliqué which I loved and very much wanted to use. Once it was dry, I over-dyed it with an old gold color as per Allison's suggestion. This is so perfect! It no longer looks too large nor does it over-power the image.

June R. mentioned to me that when she thinks of Mozart, she thinks of roses. How strange but that's what I think too. When I listen to his music (which I do all the time and am listening to now as I type), I envision a very well tended rose garden. I have no idea where this visualization came from but it's always been that way for me. So I'll be adding roses here and there through out this piece.

As you know, I love color! But I didn't want to bring the red out of his jacket so instead, I'll be adding bits of salmon here and there. And lots of metallic gold.

Stop by tomorrow for another update!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:39 PM

    I love what you did with the roses!



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