
Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Back From Galena!

Hi everyone! I'm back! We had the loveliest weekend in Galena, Illinois. I know I've mentioned it before but if you're new to reading my blog, Galena is a gorgeous little historical town located in the northwest corner of Illinois. It's about 2 1/2 hours west of where we live in McHenry, Illinois.

The weather was wonderful this time! 80 degrees and sunny all 3 days.

Since I don't have any stitching to share at the moment, I thought you would like to see a few of the photos we took on our trip. I was finally able to get some nice pictures of the gorgeous rolling hills there:

Galenas Rolling Hills May 07

Galenas Rolling Hills May 07 2

Does this look like Ireland or what! Not that I've ever been to Ireland but this looks like the photos I've seen of Ireland. The view from the road is breathtaking! It looks like this on both sides.

The northwest corner of Illinois was left untouched by the glaciers so the landscape is nothing but rolling hills. Were we livein Illinois, it's flat as a pancake!

The next photo is The Belevedere House. It's an Italianate style Victorian and my favorite house in Galena:

Galena Belvedere House

The highlight of this trip for me was yesterday morning when we drove to Dyersville, Iowa to see Field Of Dreams:

Field Of Dreams 5

This is where the movie was filmed. As you know, I love baseball and have so much been wanting to see this.

Here's the actual baseball field:

Field Of Dreams 6

It's not quite the same without the corn but that won't be tall until August!

Ok, here's a fun one for you. Another rare picture of me. I'm standing on homeplate:

Field Of Dreams 4

I always look so stupid in photographs! We were there at 8 am yesterday and I have to tell you, that wind was quite cold! This part of Iowa is all farmland as far as the eye can see and it is just so wonderful! The only sound was that of birdies singing.

Here's one more photo for you:

Field Of Dreams 2

Scott and I sitting in the bleachers. Think about this, Kevin Costner sat here!!!

We met the nicest couple there. A retired couple from Florida and they offered to take a picture of Scott and I together. They were so nice!

Well, those are the photo highlights of our trip. There are more photos on my Flickr site. If you'd like to see them, just click on one of the images and that should take you to the rest of the pictures.

We did a bit of antiquing while we were there but I didn't find anything all that exciting. In fact, I only bought myself a necklace and a magazine! That's ok though, it's more about the "being there" for me than the shopping.

Galena does have 2 used book stores and both specialize in out of print books. Guess what I had hoped to find? Yes, I was hoping to find the Crazy Quilt book by Penny McMorris. No such luck though. In fact, I stood there, staring at the very small needlework sections, realizing they didn't have it and yet, expecting it to materialize right before my eyes! Scott keep saying, "Pam, they don't have it. It isn't there." He kind of had to drag me out of the stores! Oh well, I'll find it eventually. Probably when and where I least expect it!

Well, that's it for today ladies! I hope you enjoy seeing pictures of my favorite place in the world! For now, I'm off to start cleaning those antique crazy quilts!

More tomorrow......


  1. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Thanks for sharing your pictures from Galena. Looks like you had a great time. Thank goodness the weather cooperated!


  2. Thanks for the pix of the rolling hills; reminds me of home. It's the farmhouse at the Field of Dreams that makes my heart go pit-a-pat more than Belvedere House! Each to her own :- )

  3. Beautiful country! Thank you for sharing your pictures from your trip. I probably won't ever get back there, so I can live vicariously through your travels! And you DO NOT look stupid in pictures. You are very pretty in them!

  4. They built it, and you did come!
    We love baseball deeply and dearly around here, too...

    ...and that's darling picture of you and your DH, along with the photos of the "fine soft land"...thanks, Pam!

  5. Galena looks beautiful! I have lived in Illinois for 17 (yikes!) years now, and have never made it up that way. It definitely looks like it's worth a trip :)

  6. Loved the photos..looks like a wonderful time.

    Looked up that book you are looking for...interesting found it here...

    Good Luck with it!

  7. Welcome back! Glad you had fun, it looks beautiful there. :o)

  8. Pam, the pictures of your trip are great what breathtaking landscape. What fun to go to the Field of Dreams. I took pause when I read you live in McHenry.....that is my maiden name. LOL. Thank you for sharing pictures of yourself, it is always nice to put a face with the name.


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