
Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Vintage Style Apron Embroidery

I didn't quite finish the stitching on this last night:

Apron Fruit Design

I expect to complete this later today and then next week, I'll take a day and sew the apron together.

For some reason, I prefer to sew during the day. It's probably the natural daylight that makes me feel more comfortable with sewing. I prefer to work on the computer during the day as well. Now for stitching, I can do that anytime!

When I finish stitching up the fruit design, I'll be starting on my next crazy quilt purse project:

Bird Purse

Again I'll be using one of my vintage pins from my flea market trip last weekend. I love this little birdie and I love the way he looks on this block. My plan is to give this a very vintage look but sometimes, the block takes over and just tells me what it wants. Many times, they just turn out however they turn out. It's a "go with the flow thing" for me. There are some pieces that although I have a plan for them, I'm not completely set on it having to turn out that way. So stop by again to see what direction this takes!


  1. That little birdie looks pretty on that back ground.
    Will you be crayon tinting the fruit? Can it still be washed if it is tinted?

  2. Pam,

    I know what you mean. I can do the minor things, and get projects to construction stage (cutting out, drawing, pinning etc), but I like to do the sitting down and putting it all together during the day.



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