
Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Thinking Blogger Awards!

I've been tagged by Pat as a blogger who makes her think. What an honor to be tagged by Pat! Esp. since I find her work so inspiring!

There are quite a few talented bloggers who make me think but many have already been tagged so I will tag the following 4:

Sharon, who's In A Minute Ago blog inspires me constantly! And you be will be seeing some of that inspiration in the next day or so!

Vicki, who's photographs on her Turkey Feathers blog (not to mention her incredible, informative and inspirational content) always make me want to do better with my camera!

Stephanie, from Novasblossoms blog who's art dolls mesmerize me. I could stare at her gorgeous Victorian Cat doll all day and get nothing else done!

Last but certainly not least, Angie from Norththreads who finds the most incredible bargains and does the most incredible things with them! Angie, I want to go shopping with you!

Ladies, I'm so happy I found your blogs! Thank you for your inspiration and for making me think!

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